Dating and Other Dangers

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Book: Dating and Other Dangers by Natalie Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Anderson
really looking forward to whatever it is you have planned for our day date.’
    Was he, now? Nadia grinned, her confidenceand courage streaming back after the “we love your blog” and “take him down” boosts.
    ‘I really don’t want another date with you,’ she said, lying to them both.
    She went back to his blog post and added a comment beneath all the phnaar, phnaar macho innuendo—
    Typical boys, you can only think south of the belt buckle.
    ‘You know you don’t have a choice. You know you can’t resist.’
    Her hand froze on the mouse, because he was right and she couldn’t think straight. ‘In three days’ time I’ll wake at four in the morning with the perfect plan to take you down eighty pegs.’
    ‘And for now?’
    ‘Kiss my ass.’
    ‘Ask me nicely and I might oblige.’
    Nadia responded the only way she could think of. She hung up.

    Progressing to second & third dates …
    The day date is the perfect way to get to know each other without the pressure of romantic expectations that can be present in the evening. So it’s a good option for early on in your dating relationship. Suggestions for fun day dates:
    A picnic in the park
    A walk in the local botanic gardens or zoo
    Visiting an art gallery Beachcombing
    Something adventurous—paddling a canoe in the park, paintball if you’re that way inclined.
    But here’s a tip—don’t choose something that one or other of you is an expertat if the other is a complete novice. No one likes to look a fool.
    Also, while it’s nice to be getting to know each other, and it’s understandable to want to see if he’ll integrate well with your friends, go easy. It can be intimidating to be introduced to a ton of strangers who are all sizing you up. And definitely don’t introduce him to your family too soon!
    E THAN studied the list and wondered which of those things she was going to inflict on him on Sunday. Actually, he thought it was a damn good idea. The cold light of day would be the perfect place for her to face some undeniable truths—like the sizzle between them. There’d be no wine for her to hide behind.
    He sighed and brought up his own stupid blog. He had to write a post, but honestly he didn’t know what he was going to say. The number of comments had gone up massively and he felt a buzz. Yeah, he could see the attraction now—it was somehow satisfying to see more and more people were tuning in to his words. Good grief, was he going to turn as narcissistic and ratings-driven as his dad? Uh—no. Because he was about to write himself into a corner.
    He typed a title.
    Nailing Her on Number 2
    Now what? How the hell was he going to get around this one?
    Have to be careful here, boys, because as we know
is reading my write-ups—and commenting now too. Welcome, darling—we always appreciate your thoughts. But it means I can’t give away too much strategy before the deal.
    Actually, he didn’t have any strategy. He was winging it now—going on his gut in these uncharted waters.
    What I can tell you is that date number two is the lady’s choice and she’s opted for a “day date”—I think this is her thinking she’ll escape the nailing. But I guess that depends on what it is you all think I’ll be nailing.
    I may be a bloke, but I’m not that crude. Not always.
    Yeah, right. It was all he could think about. All he wanted, wanted, wanted.
    What I’m talking about here is not the physical, I’m talking the emotional. The intent. What you want to nail on date number two is her interest. Get her intrigued and soon enough you’ll get anything else you might care to want.
    So how do you nail her interest?
    You tease out her curiosity, and with that you trap her. Tease and trap, boys. Give them a little mystery, a little reticent man, and then let them think they can be the one to figure you out …
    Ethan had been right. Nadia couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t stop thinking about him and her and what

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