Ambrose began to convulse. His eyes went to Marcella appearing to ask her what to do. As they looked around at each other, no one had a clue. All they could do was wait in silence until Ambrose’s heart stopped beating and Jason could transfer over the soul. That was, if it would even take.
Marcella turned to Donavon and Samael. “It’s off. We’re not doing this again. I was stupid to think that it would actually work.”
“It will work,” Samael growled. “Ambrose is stronger than you all can imagine. I’ve known it for a while. Ever since we took over Luis’s pack. If Jason’s blood would have been the one to do this from the beginning, everything would have gone smoothly.” He turned to Marcella. “His diet of just-you rejected the change. Minus the soul collecting and the shift changes, Ambrose was just as physically strong as you, Marcella. Mentally, he is even more advanced than your collector. When Ambrose pulls through, we’re going to have one hell of a collector, and he knows that. Why do you think he’s been looking forward to this so much?”
“So the rest of the transformations should go smoothly?” Marcella’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure, Samael?”
He nodded. “I think so. You and I are pretty closely connected. It could be risky, but I won’t let anyone else change me. It has to be you.”
Her mouth parted, and Dominic watched her look at him in horror. “Samael, I can’t risk losing you.”
“You won’t.” His hand tenderly cupped her cheek, and his lips lowered and brushed against her forehead. “You have to do this. I trust that everything will turn out like it’s supposed to.”
Everyone grew quiet and Ambrose finally stopped thrashing. His breathing was already beginning to slow down, and Jason watched him intently. Although the guy was a goof half of the time, Dominic knew he took being a collector seriously.
Dominic held Marcella close. She was shaking so bad against him. If Samael wasn’t right, and Ambrose didn’t make it, he was afraid of what his queen would do. She had one hell of a temper, and the moment she became unstable the creatures inside of her jumped at the opportunity to take over.
The room grew still while Jason lowered his head and rested it against Ambrose’s chest. Gently, he scooped the top half of the former vampire into his arms and lowered his mouth down to his. Marcella came to rest at the edge of the circle. As light exploded throughout the room, she took a ragged breath.
A round of coughing exploded from Ambrose. He jerked to a sitting position and began sucking in air. Marcella burst through the circle, knowing the ritual was over.
“You!” She threw herself into Ambrose’s arms before he could even really come to. Her mouth attacked his and he began laughing as she straddled his waist. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again. I thought you were a goner. I was ready to take on heaven and hell both to make them give you back to me.”
“Aww, my sweet queen. You would really do that for me?” Ambrose held her to him tightly. The ink jetted across his skin so fast that the small intricate lines were zigzagging everywhere. The design was beginning to look completely different than everyone else’s. It reminded Dominic of the Celtic tattoos that he’d once seen on an angel he’d been battling with over territory.
“Oh my…” Marcella ran her fingers over the tight-knit lines. “Ambrose, how beautiful.”
Dominic watched as Ambrose lifted Marcella and stood. There was no image on his chest. The whole top half of his body and arms was weaved with delicate lines and small symbols, but no defining creature.
“Well, this is different.” Samael walked in a circle around him. “Interesting.” He smiled and bit his bottom lip. “You’re dying to test your powers, Ambrose. Want to give it a go?”
The former vampire bowed. “You know I do.”
The ground began to vibrate violently while Samael’s eyes glazed over to