The Lover's Parable Through A Seven World Journey
to her ears as the high-pitched grinding of the engine became almost deafening, Sofia pressed her head tighter into John’s chest. His eyes were tightly shut. And, with Sofia held so close to him, if Death itself were to find them on this day, he knew there would be no regrets.
    Metallic components of the vehicle’s exterior were stripping away, crashing into the passing vehicles, throwing trails of sparks off the road and walls of the Highway, as the vibration of the wobbling tires began to cause the transporter to self destruct and fall apart.
    “We’re getting closer,” Mr. Sanders mumbled as the area ahead, where there was just enough of a bend in the road, a slight curve where they could make a nearly direct impact with the wall, came into view.
    With the accelerator forced to the floor, the vehicle bore forward, smoking and fragile. There were now only a few hundred meters to impact. A transporter ahead suddenly jumped into his lane, causing the old man to gasp at the fact that the driver had unknowingly situated himself in a hazardously oriented position. Mr. Sanders had only seconds to decide: decelerate, and get behind the new obstacle, or else make an attempt to pass it.
    With a deceleration being completely out of the question, knowing that he had to have the maximum force behind him when he collided with the wall, he pushed ahead, despite the fact that he would be cutting close to missing the bend altogether.
    As he began gaining on the vehicle, it became immediately apparent that once he pulled in front of it, the driver would not be able to brake fast enough. He would be forced to pile headlong into their transporter’s tail end: a benefit to them by giving more than enough energy to break through the Highway’s wall, but the collision would probably kill the innocent man, as Mr. Sanders could clearly see that the poor sod was not wearing his safety harness.
    “Fifty meters,” he said, grumbling through his clenched teeth.
    Upon hearing the words, John tightened his grip around his girl for the last time. There was nothing more he could do to prepare for the coming destruction.
    This was the consummation of Mr. Sanders’ venture, the end of all things in his life of which he could have a direct, rational influence. As he passed the final transporter, there came a single, fraction of a second, when eye contact was made between him and the other vehicle’s operator. It was at this moment, as if he entered into the domain of the infinite, where there is no end and no beginning, and all the motions in the world that are encapsulated in the realm of time come to a stand still, that a mental snap-shot of the final, sedate expression of the stranger’s face was captured in his mind. Knowing that this man was not going to survive through to the end of the day, Mr. Sanders wondered if the operator would have even cared had he been given that piece of knowledge before leaving for work this morning.
    Before the thought had been given the opportunity to make its entrance into that great expanse of the brain, the memory vault which stores the experiences of the days of living within the world, the old man cut the steering wheel sharply, throwing the transporter aside, making the desperate attempt to cast a straight path to the wall. The front bumper of the stranger’s vehicle caught onto their rear section in a violent contorted motion. Metal to metal, the two vehicles fused into one uncontrolled, speeding mass.
    Thrown back across their lane of origin and skidding perpendicular to the direction of the flow of traffic, there was another impact by an unseen vehicle whose single passenger’s screams were momentarily heard, before being suddenly cut short.
    The overhead lights, flashing in strobe-like sequence, passed through the windows, revealing in one fleeting second, the impact site passing by… they had missed their mark!
    “Hold on,” Mr. Sanders screamed, as he gave up control of the vehicle to the laws

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