what could have resembled puling individual threads from a silkworm
cocoon. Max could actually see things moving along the line –things
that resembled chromosomes, as if they were some form of
    "There is a central hub," Draagh
continued, "from which all of the spokes in the wheel emanate. So
look at it like this. The Hub is the center of time. The Hub is
timeless. Each spoke is a different timeline, but one such as
myself can cross into different timelines simultaneously if The Hub
is used properly. It takes great skill, with only very few beings
who are able to do this. However, I am one of them. I watched you
from a faraway place for a very special reason. Do you remember
how, when you were young and you went for physical checkups, your
doctors always seemed to be aloof or disoriented upon performing
your examination – especially if the checkup had anything to do
with bloodwork or DNA?"
    Max thought about it for a
second (unaware that the shadow of an extremely unusual Y
chromosome marker fell upon his cheek), and he did remember this happening. He
thought it was quite odd, and he also remembered his parents
wafting off a bit after some doctor visits.
    "Yeah, I remember something like that.
I thought they were self-medicating or something." Max snickered a
bit and then gave his apt attention to Draagh.
    "So, my son. As you do remember this,
it had a purpose. I did that to the doctors. Yes, it was necessary
- necessary to hide your lineage - your nature and true heritage.
Else, you would have been vivisected upon an operating table with
no further thought."
    Max got an alarmed look on his face, as
well as a sickening feeling in the pits of his stomach.
    "Um, Draagh, what lineage are you
talking about? I should hide being half-dego? I'm just as proud of
my dego side as my bacho side."
    Draagh leaned back a bit and took a sip
of his coffee, which by then had gone cold. Then, looking Max
directly in the eyes he said, "Your lineage is from a very old
subspecies of humanity. You must understand that there were many
subspecies – Homo Habilus, Homo Erectus, Homo Neanderthalus,
Cro-Magnon man, which was, in essence, Modern man, as well as
others more ancient. The world - this world - it had… energies. It
had organisms and features that no longer existed long before
industrialized society came to be. We felt it necessary to prevent
access to these energies, and for mankind to develop on his own, as
he was most definitely not progressing in a timely fashion. As we
go on and get to know each other better I will explain these things
to you - and teach you. So, Max, you were not the only one
protected. There were countless others on Azul, but there were also
others, similar to me, in charge of them. I took a special interest
in you for various reasons, but one being that others would simply
pass on their recessive genes to further generations, never having
had the chance to access their innate skills. You, however, have
not been resigned to such a fate.
    Being able to travel through time and
space, as I am able to do, we observe, and in some cases, correct.
Sometimes in order to correct, we must let tragedy strike. We must
let many suffer, so that we may right the wrongs so unjustly thrust
upon innocent billions. But this time, Max, we have a very
important job to do. We will stop the suffering. It does not happen
here, and it ends somewhere else, as this was simply a convenient
place for us to meet. Anyway, I need to take you somewhere so I can
further help you to realize your potential, and to prepare you for
an incredibly dangerous, yet exciting job. However, I would like to
take a little trip to a nearby location, so that you may see what
you will eventually be up against. You are not to return to Azul -
at least not right away, and we have precious little time, so I
would ask that you come along with me. It will only take a few
moments…. are you willing to come along?"
    At first Max didn't like this. He had

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