Enticing Emma

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Book: Enticing Emma by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
Tags: Romance
and sucked her fingers, his tongue gliding over them, tasting her essence. She wrapped her free hand around his erection, squeezing it gently.
    “You keep that up and I’ll come.” His blunt declaration excited her. Tucker gave a groan and sat back on his heels. His erection slipped from her hand.
    His chest expanded on a breath. A muscle flexed in his jaw. He really was struggling for control.
    Tucker lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders. He spread her sensitive flesh wider so he could see every inch of her. Never had she felt so exposed. “You’re so wet and ready for me. You want me, don’t you, Emma?”
    “Yes, I do. I want you, Tucker.” She owed him nothing but the truth after having lied to them both for the past two months. Whatever else was between them, there was no denying the physical attraction.
    Having made up her mind to not worry about the consequences of their relationship, to go with the flow, at least for now, she wanted to enjoy the entire experience. There was nothing she didn’t want to do or try with him. Her entire body throbbed and ached while he continued to sit there, motionless, staring at her.
    Just when she thought she might have to take some action to get things moving along, he leaned forward and traced the slick folds of her sex with his tongue, going from back to front. Emma gasped as the delicious sensation shot throughout her. His tongue flicked her distended clitoris, and she tightened her legs around his shoulders, trying to drag him closer.
    His laughter was low and sensual. He caught the hard bud between his teeth and teased the nub with his tongue, sometimes barely brushing it and other times pressing down hard. Heat filled her, threatening to burn her alive. “I can’t take any more,” she moaned as her head thrashed from side to side.
    He released her clit and nipped the inside of her thigh. “I’m just getting started.” The promise combined with the deep rumble of his voice made her quiver.
    She closed her eyes, unable to bear the intensity of his gaze. She feared he could see right to her very soul and uncover her deepest fears, her lost dreams, the hopes she’d never even dare admit to herself. But shutting her eyes only made the physical sensations all the more intense.
    He didn’t give her time to marshal any defenses. He lifted one of her legs from his shoulders and started to nibble on her toes. Her eyes flew open and she sucked in her breath, unable to believe what he was doing. He slid his tongue over her toes and around her ankle as his strong fingers massaged her instep. Her toes curled and her foot arched at his touch. This man is incredible, was her only coherent thought. And dangerous .
    Taking his time, he continued his leisurely foray up her leg, lifting it so he could lick at the sensitive spot behind her knee. Emma nearly jumped out of her skin, but Tucker was nowhere near finished. He left a hot trail of kisses up the inside of her thigh and licked the crease at the top. Every nerve ending in her leg quivered in anticipation of what he might do next.
    He pushed her leg up toward her chest so her knee was bent. Then he lifted her hand and tucked it behind her thigh so that she could support her own leg in this new position. He held his hand over hers. “Keep your leg there.”
    Her mouth dry, Emma found it difficult to swallow. She nodded and made sure her grip was solid. His eyes smoldered with desire as he picked up her other foot and began to nibble her toes. She moaned when she realized he was going to do the same thing to the other leg.
    By the time he bent her other leg into her chest and wrapped her hand around her thigh, she was gasping for breath. She couldn’t take any more of his sensual torture. “I need you, Tucker,” she managed to gasp out. She started to lower her legs, but he placed his big hands on the insides of her thighs and stopped her.
    Keeping her legs tucked tight to her body, he spread them as wide as they

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