Justified Love (The Southern Gentleman Series Book 1)

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Book: Justified Love (The Southern Gentleman Series Book 1) by Nicole Hite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Hite
new school, a new state and no Paisley Parker I decided to submerge myself into the college life. Not having a lot of experience mingling or flirting, I decided I needed a little liquid courage. Great idea, Carr, consider yourself a walking tabloid that screams, “I’m a freshman.” Half in the bag, I walked onto the fraternity dance floor. Getting caught up in the music, I let it take me away. It was the best feeling not having to worry about a damn thing. I could have looked like cookie monster on roller skates for all I knew, but I didn’t care. Swaying to the music, I felt hands on my hips. What the…Ok, I’ll bite. Twisting my head, I noticed it was, actually, a really attractive guy. I remember hearing his name, Tad Berkley, and it immediately made me think of a country club brat, but at the time, I didn’t care.
                  Tad rocked me back and forth to the music as he rubbed my back and shoulders. This kid was awfully touchy-feely, but who cares. I’ve never had a man even remotely come close to touching me like this. Hot and sweaty, Tad asked if we could go outside to get some air. Willingly, I agreed. We walked over to the sidewalk and sat down. We talked about our hometowns, what we were majoring in, everything and anything, really. I was starting to like this Tad kid. Tad is going to be the guy that gets Colton out of my head, forever. I hope. Maybe if I moved on, it wouldn’t hurt as much knowing he was in Texas, and I was in New York.
                  Like a gentleman, Tad walked me back to my dorm hand-in-hand. He was sweet, and aside from Colt; I wasn’t used to that. I was so naive. We set up a date for the next night considering there was no way in hell I was going to let him in my dorm room at two a.m. I was still a virgin, and I was completely inexperienced. Having had a lot of alcohol, I didn’t want to experience my first time intoxicated. Tad gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me at the dorm. In my heart, it was hard for me to let go of Colt and move on, but I knew I would never see him again, so I needed to try.
                  Next night, Tad took me out to dinner. He ordered for me, which I thought was odd, but the again, he was paying the bill, and I was on a budget. When the waiter made his rounds again, he delivered a desert menu. Taking the menu out of my hands, Tad handed it back to the waiter and told him to get the check. Tad was a man in charge, and in a way, I dug it. Then again, there’s dominance, and then, there’s just plain being rude. Brushing it off, he paid the bill, and we walked hand-in-hand back to his apartment.
                  We settled on a movie and crashed on the couch together. Not even ten minutes into the film, Tad was getting touchy feely. At first I thought it was hot, but he started to get increasingly aggressive. Trying to speak, I pushed him away.
                  “Tad, can we slow things down a bit? I’m not exactly accustomed to this.”
                  “Are you saying you’re a virgin?” the question seemed to echo off the apartment walls.
                  “Yeaaaah,” I said hesitantly.
                  “No problem, we can take it slow tonight. Want to go to my room? It’s much more comfortable in there.”
                  “Suuurre,” I squeaked out. I was about to lose my virginity to Tad Berkley, the country club boy from Boston, Mass.
                  Instead of taking our time to get undressed, Tad ripped off his clothes and began taking off mine. I was all elbows and knees. I stumbled on my jeans as I was taking them off. Classy, Carr. Classy. I didn’t even have my bra and shirt off when Tad was all over me. Seeing the expression on my face, he started to slow down as if our previous conversation finally set in. Removing my panties he tossed them aside. And, I take that

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