Tani's Destiny (Hearts of ICARUS Book 2)

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Book: Tani's Destiny (Hearts of ICARUS Book 2) by Laura Jo Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Jo Phillips
her psychic abilities, confusing as that might sound.  She tried a couple times and always said that it hadn’t come forward yet , whatever that means.”
     “I think you might have a talent for healing,” Astra said thoughtfully as she touched the bandage on her side lightly.
    “I seriously doubt that,” Tani said.
    “Because healing is a magical ability and among Clan Jasani, only males wield magic.”
    “Speaking of Clan Jasani,” Astra said slowly, “I can’t help but wonder about something.”
    “Yes?” Tani asked, hearing the sudden tension in Astra’s voice.
    “I know this is not my business, and after what just happened in the galley I suspect I may be way off track, but um…I got the feeling last night that you and Steel had a bit of a…connection.”
    Tani stopped wiping and turned around, frowning slightly.  “And?”
    “And, well, is it true?” Astra asked, feeling extremely uncomfortable for asking such a personal question, but determined to do what she thought was right.
    Tani saw no reason to answer the question because, as Astra herself had said, it wasn’t her business.  But she did have a question of her own.  “Would you like to tell me why you seem to have a problem with the idea?”
    “Steel is my cousin, Tani, and I love him.  We have enough trouble right now.  Please don’t be offended, I just don’t want to see him hurt.”
    “What makes you think I’d hurt him?” Tani asked, dumbfounded.
    Astra frowned as she looked into Tani’s eyes.  She thought of all she knew of the young woman who’d befriended her on her first day of college four years earlier, and wondered how she could be so foolish.  “Oh Tani,” she said, her face burning with embarrassment.  “I’m so sorry.  I’m such an idiot.  Please forgive me.”
    “Forgive you for what?” Tani asked at a complete loss.
    “I can’t even tell you,” Astra said.  “It’s just so…wrong of me.”
    Tani crossed the room to where Astra stood and wrapped her arms around her.  She rubbed Astra’s back while she cried, waiting patiently for her to collect herself.  When she calmed, Tani stepped back, then looked up into Astra’s eyes for a long moment. 
    “Ah,” she whispered.  “I see.”
    “I’m so sorry, Tani,” Astra said, but Tani shook her head. 
    “It’s all right, Astra,” she said.  “The truth is that if I were any other Clan Jasani female, you’d be right.”
    “No,” Astra said.  “ You’d never do anything dishonorable, and I know that.  There’s no excuse for me thinking such a thing of you for even a moment.  Especially since it’s because of me that you’re even here to begin with.”
    “Well, since you never actually said it, then I don’t have to be hurt and defensive, right?” Tani said.  “Besides, in your place, I’d have had the same concern.  So let it go, Astra.  Okay?” 
    “I’ll try,” Astra said.  Then sighed deeply.  “I’m so ashamed of myself.”
    “You didn’t do or say anything to be ashamed of, Astra,” Tani insisted.  “Please, please let it go.”
    At that moment, Steel entered the infirmary with Marbic, but Tani kept her eyes on Astra, waiting for an answer.
    “I will, Tani,” she said.  “Thank you.”
    “How’s your wound?” Steel asked Astra after shooting a quick glance at Tani who moved to the far side of the room to put the last few supplies away and stayed there.
    “Nearly healed,” Astra replied. 
    “How is that possible?”  She glanced over at Tani, then shrugged. 
    “Tani,” Marbic said, “if you aren’t too upset, which I wouldn’t blame you for, would you mind telling us how you got a message out, and what you were able to say?  And no, I do not believe for a moment that you sent a transmission.  Neither does Khurda.”
    “Nor do I,” Steel said.  “I apologize for calling you a liar, and making assumptions without giving you a chance to explain.”
    Tani dipped her chin a

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