The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series

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Book: The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series by Chalyn Amadore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chalyn Amadore
which is Callie’s boyfriend Greg is hosting it at his new condo near campus. That way when we go to enroll you tomorrow you will have made some friends.”
    “I guess so.” He hesitates. “I’m worried Kenna. What if I don’t find someone that is willing to be with me? What will happen?”
    “I don’t know. But hopefully when I go to California you’ll figure it out.” After I finish my meal, I wash the dishes and he watches. He sits on a stool behind me.
    “Thank you for everything McKenna. You have been so kind. I know that all of this is very awkward for you. The dreams will probably subside once we distance ourselves.”
    “Yea. You’re probably right.”
    “Are you excited about leaving?”
    “Not really. All of my friends including Rylan will be here and I’m going to be half way across the country. It’s not fair.”
    “Don’t go then. If it’s not what you want just don’t do it.”
    “Easier said than done. I have been screaming about University Of California Berkeley for the last four years.”
    “I completely understand. But what about the one that you love?”
    “He will be here when I get back. I’m sure of it.”
    He shrugs. I complete the task of cleaning the kitchen so we head back up to my room. I flop across the bed and turn on some music. Keyan walks around the room looking for things to learn. I close my eyes and let the beat that is pressing through the speaker take me over. The rhythm is so smooth, so sultry, that I rock to the melody. When I open my eyes Keyan is staring at me. I laugh out loud because he startles me. He sits beside me. And sighs.
    “I have learned quite a bit since we have met. The moment that I saw you in the mountains hiking with your parents I knew that I felt a certain way about you. I didn’t realize that you would change my life. You are such a beautiful young woman McKenna. And Rylan is a very lucky gentleman. Good thing that we are family or I wouldn’t look any further for my mate. You understood my complicated story and helped me. I think that I will love you for that forever. I don’t care how long I live. I will tell my children and wife about the beautiful red head young lady that stumbled across my dwelling.”
    “So you think that you will love me forever? I don’t think your future wife will approve.”
    “Yes I will. I never thought that you would have done the things that you are doing for me.”
    “Its fate I guess.”
    “I guess. Let’s watch some more TV.”

Chapter 12
    The clock ticks and the time for the party to start swiftly approaches. Keyan and I talk and laugh for so long. I don’t check the clock until Eddie Jo’s Company flashes across the screen. It is my favorite sitcom and comes on at 5:30. We were enjoying our conversation so much that I didn’t bother to notice that the time is now 5:46pm. I jump up from my bed and scramble to prepare. I assist Keyan with his ensemble and then my own. We take turns showering, careful not to intrude on one another. He dresses in his room and I in mine. After we are ready we hurry out of the door. I look at my cell and Rylan has already called three times. He said that he and Adami will be meeting us there. He got tired of waiting. He texts me the address and we head out. I text him back explaining how sorry I am for being a scatter brain lately. On the drive there I notice that Keyan is fidgeting.
    “What’s wrong? Are you nervous?”
    “Extremely. I haven’t been to any type of party in a long time.”
    “No shit.” I laugh. He shakes his head not digging my choice of words.
    “Anyway, I hope I don’t came off as a weird guy.”
    “You won’t. Just be yourself. You are quite charming. You charmed me with the body hair of bigfoot.”
    He laughs and that loosens him up. I drive up the highway heading toward Greenwich. I decide to swing by the college so that Keyan can see the campus. We take a quick peek and head to the party. I arrive a little after 7pm. The party has

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