Last Chance Motel 1 (Last Chance Romance Series)

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Book: Last Chance Motel 1 (Last Chance Romance Series) by Abigail Keam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Keam
Tags: Fiction
that,” said Mike.
    “They were mine when I was a kid. I don’t have any children myself so . . .”
    “That’s very nice of you, Eva,” concurred Mary. “Especially since they were yours when you were a child. As you can hear from the squeals coming from Jenny’s room, the bling is delighting my grandchild.” Mary rose from the table. “If you don’t mind, children, I’ll be saying my goodnights now. It’s going to take awhile to get Jenny ready for bed and I need to make an early night of it myself.”
    “We’ll clean up, Mom,” assured Mike.
    “Yes, let us clean up,” agreed Eva, looking at Mike.
    “So nice to meet you, Eva. I hope Mike brings you back often.”
    Eva nodded. She was pleased that Mary seemed to approve of her. She liked Mary and hoped to see more of her.
    After Mary went to see about Jenny, Mike and Eva make quick work of cleaning up. Finally, after everything had been washed and put away, Mike cut a big chunk of cake for Eva to take home.
    “Oh, I can’t,” lied Eva, lustfully eyeing the cake. She could hardly keep from licking her lips.
    “You better take it. It’s too much temptation for me to have chocolate cake lying around.”
    Eva laughed. “Okay, if you insist.” She grabbed the cake container out of his hands.
    “Now I know if I ever need to bribe you, my mother’s chocolate cake is the ticket, I see.”
    Eva laughed again. In fact, she realized that she hadn’t laughed this much in a very long time. It felt good to be out from under the shadow of her divorce. It felt good to live again.
    “Let me take you home,” said Mike. “I know you have an early day tomorrow too.”
    “Yes, I do, but this was delightful.”
    “Maybe we can do it again?”
    Eva looked into Mike’s gray eyes. “Yes. I would like that very much.”
    “Then we will make it happen again very soon.” Mike gazed at Eva, suddenly realizing that she was the same age his wife would have been. He also recognized how lonely he had been and the strain of raising a child without her mother. He had always been awkward telling women his true feelings but he wanted to with Eva. He just didn’t know if it was appropriate considering that he worked for her. Maybe he should wait until after the renovation of the motel was finished.
    Mike helped Eva into his jeep and drove to the motel, all the while thinking of what to say to her.
    Eva noticed that Mike was unusually quiet on the drive back to the motel. She wondered why.
    When they pulled into the driveway, Eva got ready to jump out and unlock the gate, but Mike grabbed her arm. “Wait a minute, Eva. I want to talk with you.”
    The stars glowed in the night sky as warm breezes caressed Eva’s skin. In the distance, the horn of a ship sounded in the bay. Mike looked very handsome. It was a night made for romance, but Eva was determined to push those thoughts from her mind. She didn’t want to become another notch on Mike’s belt.
    “During these past months that I’ve worked for you, I’ve come to appreciate the kind of woman you are.”
    “You mean I pay your salary on time.”
    “Yeah, that’s funny, but it’s not what I meant. I think you are kinda cool.” Mike almost bit his tongue. He was sounding like an idiot. “I was wondering if you might be interested in . . .”
    Surprised, both Mike and Eva swiveled around.
    Out of the darkness strode a man faintly lit up by the highway’s streetlights.
    “Who’s there?” demanded Mike.
    “Eva. It’s me.” The man came up to the jeep. Light flooded his face.
    Eva sat stunned, unable to move.
    “Eva, do you know this guy?”
    “Unfortunately, I do. It’s Dennis. My ex-husband.”

    E va could barely believe her eyes. “What are you doing here?” she gasped. The last person in the world she wanted to see was standing in front of her.
    “I need to talk to you.”
    “Hi, I’m Mike Bishop,” interjected Mike. He noticed that Eva’s face had drained of

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