Courting Constance (Fountain of Love)

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Book: Courting Constance (Fountain of Love) by Kirsten Osbourne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsten Osbourne
giggled softly.  “I don’t know about that.  Maybe I can kiss you senseless to seal our engagement.”
    “You could at least start practicing now,” he told her.  He lowered his head and caught her lips with his, his tongue stroking inside her mouth to tangle with hers.
    Constance stood on her tiptoes to get closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tight.  How could she feel more for this man every time she touched him?  If she felt much more, she knew she’d explode.
    He gathered her close and stroked her back through the dress she wore.  She’d been cold before his touch and now felt as if she were going to be burned alive.  His hands were better than any fire she’d ever stood before.
    She didn’t know how long they kissed before she finally, pulled away.  “I need to get back to the house.  I need to get a little sleep before the babies start waking.”
    He nodded, dipping his head to kiss her one last time.  “I’ll be here for tea tomorrow,” he reminded her as they walked back toward the house.
    She rested her head against his shoulder.  “I can’t wait.”
    Once they reached the house, he kissed her softly one last time before opening the front door for her.  “Tomorrow.”
    She smiled, practically floating up the stairs.  Tomorrow she would see her love.  She only hoped he was able to make his decision quickly.

Chapter Six
    The night was long as Lily had said it would be.  She would pace with one baby while Lily fed or paced with the other.  She got a grand total of four hours of sleep before the sun came up.  They put both babies down at the same time again at six, and Lily let out a tired groan.  “Let’s get some sleep.  They’ll sleep for a few hours now.”
    Constance looked at Lily.  “We have got to get them on a night time sleep schedule!”
    Lily nodded.  “This would have been fine in London when the parties last until all hours, but we’re in the country.  I barely see my husband right now.”  She walked toward the door.  “Sleep.  I’ve got Bernice watching for them.  She’ll let us know if one of us is needed.”
    Constance nodded, going to her own room.  “I’ll see you soon then.”  She was more tired than she ever remembered being.  Of course, she’d worked all day and then worked all night as well, so it made sense she was tired.  She climbed into her bed, and her last thought was of Charles smiling at her.  She hoped he made the right choice for them both.
    Tea that afternoon was lovely.  Charles and Kit were both there, but Charles made no move to see Constance alone.  When he first arrived, his face was hidden behind a dozen roses which he handed to Constance.  Her face showed her pleasure.  He was the only man who had ever brought her flowers. 
    “Thank you.  They’re beautiful.”
    “Just like you.”  He sat beside her on the sofa, not touching her, but giving her looks that told her he wished they could be alone together.  After tea, he asked, “What is your day off going to be?”
    Constance looked at him for a moment.  “We haven’t discussed that yet.  We’ve been too busy with babies.”  She looked at Lily.
    “What day did you have off when you worked at the seamstress?” Lily asked.
    “Just Sundays.  We had a six day work week.”  She would be happy to work that again if that’s what Lily needed from her.
    Lily seemed to think about it.  “How about we give you Wednesday afternoons as well.  That will make it so you have time to rest up from the endless hours of sleeplessness.”
    Constance smiled.  “Will you be able to cope?”
    Lily nodded.  “Oh yes, I’m going to take an afternoon off as well.  I’ll feed both girls and then go do whatever I want.”  She considered for a moment.  “I believe I’ll take Mondays.  I’ll need it after you have a full day off on Sundays.”
    Constance smiled.  “Yes, you probably will.”
    “We did really well working

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