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Book: THE OVERTON WINDOW by Glenn Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenn Beck
dollars last year—that’s over six and a half million dollars per congressman. With that money they buy influence, not on behalf of you, but to put forward the agendas of their clients. Huge corporations, international banks, the power brokers on Wall Street, foreign governments, media giants, the real, self-appointed ruling class—their lobbyists write the bills, your congressmen work as scripted front men for the tainted legislation, and then they vote as they’re told by their handlers.
    “Not all of them, mind you. There are still good men and women in Washington, D.C.—but more than enough of them have long gone bad. In return for abandoning their oath of office they’re promised fortune, and fame, and reelection if they play along, and if they don’t, they know they can kiss their careers in so-called public service good-bye.
    “This country was founded as a representative republic, but you’re no longer represented here, are you?”
    A resounding
was shouted from the back, and that triggered a chorus of more shouts from every quarter of the bar. She let the clamorgo on for a while and then motioned for quiet, holding up a thin document in her hand.
    “This is the Constitution of the United States of America. It’s just about fifteen pages when printed out like this, only four sheets of parchment when it was originally written out by hand. Here it is. That’s all of it, the supreme law of the land, the entire framework of our system of government.
    “And do you know why it’s so small? Because the government itself was meant to be small. Is a federal government vital and important to our country? Yes. Should it exist as the heart and symbol of our unity and a compass to guide our journey as one nation? Yes. But it was meant to be small. And why? Because we, you and I, are the real government in this land of ours. That’s the forgotten truth that calls out to us from these few pages here.
    “What the Founders knew is that governments go bad. That’s why Thomas Jefferson told us that resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. They understood that evil, like gravity, is a force of nature. Corruption always comes. Like weeds in a garden, it infiltrates, gets a foothold, grows, and takes over. Keep watch, we were told, keep the government in check, or this haven of freedom and opportunity could disappear in a single generation. And my friends, we have looked away from our sacred responsibility for too long. We forgot our charge to keep eternal vigilance, and as we slept another framework, corrupt and ever expanding, was being built to replace our founding principles the moment they grew weak enough to fail. And now we look around and find that our future has nearly been stolen away.
    “Our representatives in government swear an oath, when they take office, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. But for many of them these are only empty words. They never even consult the wisdom they’ve sworn to uphold. Once spoken, that oath is forgotten, and the Constitution of the United States never again enters their mind.”
    She laid the document in her hand on a nearby table and picked up a dark blue volume the size of the Brooklyn white pages.
    “The entire Constitution can be folded and carried in your shirt pocket, and may I recommend that you keep a copy with you like that if you don’t already. But this“—she held up the massive book—“is one volume of the federal tax code.” She dropped the book flat from waist-high and it
to the stage floor at her feet. “Fourteen hundred pages, and that’s just one volume; there’s a bookcase full of these. Sixty-seven thousand pages of rules and penalties and crimes for which you’re all guilty until you prove yourselves innocent. There’s no due process when the Internal Revenue Service comes to kick in your front door.
    “And do you know why they’ve made it so big, and why it gets bigger every year? It’s the same

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