Billionaire Twins: Two The Hard Way
large breasts and small waist which made me look top heavy. But I could carry it because I was five feet six and had big healthy legs for my size. 
    “Paige, I came here to work not fuck my way up to the top like you. And I see that is going well for you.” Paige gave me a look as if her eyes could set me on fire, and she did a quick turn and never bothered me again.
    The way the women whispered about Westlake I wonder why he never had me cornered in his office. I guess like all Alpha males and predators he can sense weakness. And he had to know who would bring him up on harassment charges. So I guess he didn’t want to deal with me, or he wasn’t into black chicks considering there were maybe five or six working at his firm. And three are secretaries and they are in their forties. The women he targets are the age of consent and my age twenty-five.
    Which had me wondering why he never got around to me.
    I sit shaking my nervous legs and biting my nails when his secretary opens the door from her office and tells me, “Mr. Westlake will see me now.” She’s an older woman, maybe sixty with blond hair that is a throwback from the fifties. She has a look on her face that says she sees nothing and knows nothing. She needs this job and wants to keep it.
    Was I too nervous to see him pass by? How did he get in his office? I’m thinking as I trail behind the secretary.
    Then I remember he has a heliport. His helicopter flies him home at night to the Hamptons and to his private jet when he travels. I stand weak legged gathering my courage, straightened my expensive blue knockoff suit with my sensible shoes, and amble into his office.
    His head is down and he’s reading my folder. I think it’s my folder. He’s sitting at a large antique desk and behind him is the Manhattan Skyline. It’s quiet and my stomach begins to growl. “Sit down, Miss Adams.” He hasn’t looked at me. “You should have eaten something this morning. I expect my people to have eaten before I see them. Especially the women.
    That’s right, you like them to be fit so you can fuck them in the morning, and you don’t want to be distracted by the growl of an empty stomach.” I think as I gaze at him.
    He’s wearing this amazing dark blue designer suit. It appears to be one of Tom Ford’s suits. The tie is definitely silk. I’m no specialist on ties but I can bet it’s an Italian silk tie he probably bought in Europe. His hair is light brown and straight and he’s clean shaven. I wonder what he would look like early in the morning when he hasn’t shaved, no shirt and lounging around in the bottoms to his pajamas or maybe he goes to bed naked.
    A man like him would definitely go to bed naked.
    I see the top half of him and his shoulders are wide and the muscles rippling under his white shirt is distracting. The rest of him must be equally as stunning from all the water cooler reports. He glances up at me and says, “I thought I asked you to sit down,” he says with a commanding voice as he tilts his eyebrow a fraction and gaze at me for a few minutes.
    “It says here you are twenty-six.”
    “And black.” I’m trying for a little humor and I’m falling on my face. Obviously he’s a serious man when he wants to be. His mouth is in a hard line and he stares at me expressionless. He opens the folder again.
    “I can see you are a black woman, Miss Adams.” His voice is dry and the tone is cool and disapproving of my response. “You have all the qualifications I’m looking for as a non-equity partner. You’re asking for something that I haven’t given to anyone else.”
    I want to remind him that it took two years for Mary Ann to become a partner after she fucked you, and I just want a promotion as a non-equity partner where I can depend on being employed until I can become a partner here or another firm. But he probably would have thrown me out so I kept my mouth shut.
    You know it will take you almost ten years to make partner. Can

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