Zombie Society - They Live Among Us

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Book: Zombie Society - They Live Among Us by K. Bartholomew Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Bartholomew
    “Please tell me she’s close. I’m not sure how much more of this I can stand.” The reporter quipped, then looked up the street as the horses came into view. “Fuck, I grew up with horses. I never knew them to make such a disgusting stink.”
    Shannon counted sixteen, all beautiful beasts that pulled the pink painted carriage along the shopping mall car park. The clatter of hooves on asphalt grew louder, as the smell grew in intensity. She moved a few inches to the side, satisfied she was in shot and threw an arm around Teejay, his cold dead skin sending a shiver up her spine.
    “What kind of a wedding is this anyway?” The reporter continued, glancing around at the guests, around only half of which were human. “It’s taking place in a KFC but the guests have all brought their own food – Tasteful. Fuck, I’ll have to make notes for my own ceremony next year.” She grimaced again as the horses drew up to the KFC entrance, then nodded to the second cameraman. “Try not to film the coachman, he’s wearing a facemask – Wish I’d thought of that.”
    The director held up a hand then counted down, “three, two, one,” he pointed to the reporter.
    “We are live as we make history today for the world’s first ever inter-mort wedding. And we’ll have full coverage of this miraculous event as the soon to be Mr and Mrs Grimley say their ‘ I do’s .’” She roped in a female guest, heavily pierced with dozens of rings and studs all about her face, tattoos up and down her neck, chest and arms, hair matted in dreadlocks as she held a tray of food. “Hello, madam, how do you feel about being present for history in the making today?”
    “I think it’s wonderful that we’re finally breaking down barriers in this country. There is no reason why the living and the dead can’t marry. It’s only evil human oppression that has prevented this from happening before. I can’t wait for the day when all these barriers are removed and all members of the dead community will be married to members of the living.”
    The reporter pushed her aside as she moved toward a mort as it swayed with the wind. “Hello, sir, and how do you feel about this marriage taking place today?”
    The mort’s neck creaked on its axis. “Fleeeeeessshhh.”
    Shannon looked at the carriage is it finally stopped, “oooh, I wonder if…” She knew the truth, even if she couldn’t say it. It wasn’t the horses that had tinted the breeze a transparent brown. That brown was the stench which came from the bride, visible stink lines drifted from her pale flesh.
    The camera crew along with several guests walked towards, before checking their approach to the bride. The coachman jumped down from his seat and along with an assistant, removed the entire side of the specially modified carriage. The ample girth of the bride was revealed to all as she was helped to her feet by six bridesmaids all gasping for air. The coachman rolled a pink carpet down the steps toward the KFC entrance.
    A mort barbershop quartet initiated a strange gargling sound that had to be the wedding music as the bride trod onto the creaking steps and carpet. She wore a bright pink wedding dress, a bit tacky, Shannon thought, but she wouldn’t say it. Then the half-gagging bridesmaids followed the bride off the carriage, holding up the tails of the dress.
    “Look how beautiful the bride looks.” The reporter said, holding her breath. “This is history in the making, breaking down barriers. Whether living or dead, we’re all the same. Isn’t it wonderful.”
    The bride plodded down the carpet, struggling under her own weight before pausing for a rest. She placed her hands on her ample thighs and doubled over a touch, ripping the dress up the crotch.
    The cameramen repositioned again, to avoid humiliating the, um, bride.
    When she regained her energy, she continued then took one look at the narrow entrance to the fried chicken joint and stopped again. Her head wobbled

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