Star Maker

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Book: Star Maker by J.M. Nevins Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.M. Nevins
event solo.
party was already crazy and wilder than anything Kit had ever witnessed back in
Philadelphia or Chicago. She strolled in apprehensively and easily commanded
attention when she entered the center of the room. The guys couldn’t stop staring
and smiling, the girls glared and scowled. She searched the large crowd for
any members of the band or any friends she might recognize. She immediately noticed
Sully and waved to him.
walked over to her and smiled, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as if
she were a long lost friend he had known for ages. “Hey, Kit! Thanks for
looked around, surveying the modest apartment overcrowded with loud, rowdy
guests that were spilling out onto the patio beyond the sliding glass doors in
the living room. She felt slightly uncomfortable and overwhelmed. “Sure.
Looks like a good turnout.”
looked around and nodded proudly. “Yep. Can I get you anything?”
nerves eased in Sully’s presence and a devilish smile crept up on her face.
“What do you got?”
giggled and gave her a suggestive grin. “Anything your little heart desires,
hot shot.”
pretended to think about it for a moment. “How about a scotch on the rocks and
a cigarette?”
smiled and teased. “Ooh, racy. I’ll be right back.” He returned moments later
with Kit’s drink and a cigarette. She grinned after taking a long drag. He
chuckled. “Scotch girl, huh?”
smiled. “That’s me.” She pointed to his drink. “Scotch guy, huh?”
laughed. “Nice. Yes, me too. It’s in my blood. Irish.”
Me too.”
    He gave
her a flirty look. “Y’know Kit, you’re not like most of the girls at our shows
or even this party for that matter.”
giggled and took a sip of her drink, immediately feeling sassy. “Is that your
way of asking me why I’m not one of your groupies yet, throwing my panties or
myself at you?”
laughed and grimaced. “Touché. You got me on that one. Stone cold busted. I
guess I’m only used to that kind of attention from the ladies on the Strip. I
guess I underestimated you.”
couldn’t help smiling. Flirting with Sully was proving to be highly
entertaining. “Understandably. You’ve got a great band. You guys are all
sufficiently hot. I’m sure you get away with a lot.” She winked at him and
raised his eyebrows and gave her a devilish grin. “Ooh, you’re fun. I don’t
think I’ve ever been so turned on by verbal sparring before. Highly amusing.”
couldn’t help but laugh loudly. “Yes, I’m a regular one woman circus, Sully
Foxx. Speaking of circuses, you’ve got a three ring one going on in here.”
She motioned to the loud partygoers in various stages of disarray, dancing
around scantily clad, drinking, and laughing.
shrugged. “A Hollywood rocker party at its best.” He cocked his head to the
side and gave her a curious look. “Wait a minute… is this your first one?”
pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe, maybe not.” She wasn’t
about to admit that this was her first since she’d move there.
pointed at her. “Ok, missy. I think this is your first Hollywood party.” He
teased. “Where are you from? Iowa?”
rolled her eyes. “No. Please. I’m no farm girl. I’ve been to some really
crazy parties, just not this crazy. I’m from Chicago and I went to school in Philly.”
eyes bugged out excitedly and he smiled like a Cheshire cat. “You’re from
Chicago? Me too! Whereabouts?”
nodded and took a sip of his drink, surveying her, and energetically taking a
step back. “Oh, uh-huh. I get it, rich girl. Very fancy. I probably
shouldn’t even be talking to you. I’m surprised you haven’t looked down your
nose at me yet. What are you doing slumming it with rockers in L.A.? Shouldn’t
you be cozying up to some investment banker in Manhattan or attending some high

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