Krondor the Betrayal

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Book: Krondor the Betrayal by Raymond E. Feist Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond E. Feist
for with gold heading north to buy Delekhan weapons.
    The ruby stolen from an important Tsurani magician. The ruby that’s the latest in a series of such transactions.’’
    Isaac ran a hand over his face and back through his hair.
    ‘‘Locky, it’s been hard.’’
    Locklear’s expression turned dark, and his voice took on a menacing tone that had Owyn sitting back in surprise. ‘‘As hard as treason, Isaac? As hard as the jerk at the end of a hangman’s rope?’’
    ‘‘Who said anything about treason, Locky?’’ Isaac’s manner turned to pleading. ‘‘Look, we were boyhood friends before I had my accident. If our positions had been reversed, you’d know; you’d understand what it’s like to be a hired sword with a bad leg. Locky, I was nearly starving when this opportunity came along. I was too far in before I discovered who was behind it.’’
    ‘‘Tell us what you know, and I’ll do you a favor,’’ said Locklear.
    Isaac looked downfallen, and said in a contrite fashion, ‘‘I was in over my head before I knew who I was dealing with.
    Alescook is an old acquaintance. I know that from time to time he ‘finds’ gems and jewelry that have . . . ah, ‘clouded’ title is a polite way of putting it.’’
    ‘‘Stolen,’’ said Locklear.
    Isaac squirmed. ‘‘Whatever the cause, the market in the Kingdom is difficult, so those gems find their way south, to Kesh or over the water to Queg or the Free Cities. I’m just a middleman, someone who can take a little trip down to the Vale or over to Krondor or Sarth and put something on a ship.
    That’s all.’’

    Raymond E. Feist
    ‘‘The ruby?’’ said Locklear.
    Isaac started to rise and hesitated as Gorath leaned forward, hand on the hilt of his sword. Isaac continued rising slowly, then mounted the stairs to the loft above. Locklear motioned with his head to Owyn, who stood up and hurried through a small door on the wall next to the tapestry. He found himself in a tiny kitchen, one dirty enough he would have to be far hungrier than he presently was to consider eating anything prepared there. He ducked through the back door and looked up, at a window above, where he saw the head of Isaac disappear back inside. Owyn smiled; Locklear’s instincts had been correct. The lame ex-fighter might attempt to escape from a second-story window, but he knew he wasn’t quick enough to pull off his escape if someone was waiting below.
    A moment later, Locklear called for Owyn’s return, and the young magician complied. He entered the room and stopped.
    The hairs on his arm stood up, and he said, ‘‘Let me see the stone.’’
    Isaac handed it to him, and said, ‘‘It’s really not a very valuable item, but I get paid well.’’
    Owyn replied, ‘‘I don’t know anything about stones and their worth, but I know this one is more than it appears to be.’’ He looked at it closely, and continued, ‘‘This ruby has been prepared.’’
    ‘‘Prepared for what?’’ asked Locklear. ‘‘Jewelry?’’
    ‘‘No, as a matrix of some kind for magic. I don’t know much about this sort of thing.’’ He put the stone down. ‘‘Truth to tell, I don’t know much about any sort of thing magical, which is why I left Stardock. The only magic I’ve learned so far was from a field magician name Patrus, a sour old character. But my father objected, and last I heard Patrus headed north—’’
    He shook himself out of his revery. ‘‘It doesn’t matter, but what he told me is that some magic is harmonic and can be focused by gems. Or stored in them. He claimed once that magic itself might exist in gem form under the right conditions.
    For example, you can rig a trap with certain gems, so that whoever steps into a given area is imprisoned.’’
    ‘‘Can you tell what this was used for?’’

    ‘‘No,’’ said Owyn with a shake to his head. ‘‘It may be something that will be used in the

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