Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes

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Authors: David Horowitz
increases. The Nobel Prize economist Milton Friedman has observed that the minimum wage is "one of the most ... anti-black laws on the statute books" because it destroys entry level jobs for second paycheck earners, teens, and other unskilled workers.
Welfare. Clinton vigorously opposed welfare reform until Republicans forced him to sign on to it, and he threatens to undo the reforms in place. Yet welfare reform has liberated thousands of black Americans from the prospect of lifetime dependence on government handouts, at minimal levels of existence.
Gun control. Clinton and the Democrats oppose concealed weapons permits, yet inner city blacks remain the most vulnerable to violent crime. Meanwhile, studies show that in states that allow concealed weapons, murder rates have fallen.
Opposition to school choice. Threats of Clinton vetoes and Democratic opposition to voucher programs deny poor blacks the same options Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, and other Democratic leaders take to rescue their own kids from the traps of dangerous and failing public schools by sending them to the private schools of their choice.
Opposition to the privatization of Social Security. Blacks have shorter life expectancies than whites and hence stand to gain less from the Social Security benefits they are now forced to fund. They would gain enormously by being able to control their own retirement funds.
Expansion of government in health care. Government mandated health insurance programs have vastly increased the costs of health care and decreased the chance that small businesses can afford ample benefit programs for their employees. As usual, the least skilled and most vulnerable get whacked the most.
The betrayal of black friends. Clinton lured Vernon Jordan and Betty Currie into positions of legal jeopardy through his self-serving lies.
Expansion of the war on drugs. In this area, black leaders have employed a double standard, opposing drug laws that penalize urban blacks disproportionately while remaining silent over Clinton's responsibility for these measures.
The Rate Advisory Board. This Board promoted the tired liberal red-herring that what ails black America is a "lack of understanding" on the part of whites instead of welfare dependency, bad public schools (that liberals and Democrats run), illegitimacy, and criminal behavior.
The reopening of the inquiry into the assassination of Martin Luther King. The original investigation headed by black liberal congressman Louis Stokes (D-Ohio) closed the case years ago, after proving that James Earl Ray was the assassin. Re-opening the case keeps the "blacks-are-victims" cottage industry pumping.
The White House defense of lying under oath. This puts blacks, who are more likely to suffer from the perjuries of law enforcement officers, at greater risk.
Expansion of hate-crime legislation. This exaggerates the frequency of such crimes, while depreciating the significance of the same-race crimes from which blacks suffer most.
The war on cigarettes. The tax penalties on smoking will fall disproportionately on lower income people who smoke more and can afford the taxes less.
    It is not necessary to agree with all or even most of these points to see that there is no particular reason why the black community should vote like the populations of communist countries who lacked the ability to exercise free choice. By contrast, the Asian community in California split 55-45 percent in the race pitting a Chinese American, Matt Fong, against incumbent Senator Barbara Boxer. (Fong actually received a lower percentage of Asian votes.)
    But while black Americans do not live in a totalitarian country, those blacks who do dissent from the liberal party line experience a level of hostility and intimidation in their own community that is unusual for democracies. Larry Elder himself has been the target of constant vicious attacks from the principal black newspaper in Los Angeles, numerous death threats inspired by such

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