Texas Twilight
something the Good Lord understands.”
    “Then why did you decide to retire if you’re
as steady as you’ve ever been when it counts. A lot of doctors
practice till their dying day.”
    Dr. Bixby removed his apron and threw it in a
pile of bloody rags on the floor that would be sent out to laundry.
“Makes some people nervous. I guess I understand that. I’m getting
up there in age. Can’t deny it.”
    John shrugged.
    “My maker could call me home any day or
night. Before I go, I wanted to test out the man that replaces me.
Make sure he’s up to the job. This here ain’t an easy place, boy.
People have to scratch out a living from the dirt and rocks. They
have to live past the outlaws and desperados. Rio Wells is hell on
earth. You may as well know it from the get go.”
    There was a tapping on the door. “Doctor
Bixby. Can I come in now? Tucker said you were all through.”
    He went over and opened it, motioning for
Candy’s mother to enter. “Of course, Martha.” He pulled up a chair
so she could sit by her daughter’s side. “It went well. There were
no complications.”
    The woman visibly relaxed, releasing a long
wobbling sigh. “Will she be out for long?” The words were unstable
as Martha picked up Candy’s hand and held it between her own.
    “That’s hard to tell, exactly. Maybe an hour
or two.”
    Martha stood back up and hugged the old
doctor. “Thank you for saving her life. I was so frightened. Now
that Daniel is gone…”
    “Shhhh. It wasn’t me that saved her. It was
Rio Wells’ new doctor. Here, meet Dr. McCutcheon.”
    It was as if the young widow was now just
seeing John for the first time. She came over to where he was
leaning against the counter, still wearing his bloody apron. “Dr.
McCutcheon? Are you relations to the Rim Rock McCutcheons?”
    “Yes, ma’am, I am. Winston and Winnie are my
uncle and aunt.”
    “Well.” She looked pleased. “That’s wonderful
news.” Her face brightened, making her look years younger. She was
trim and pretty and her head about reached the bottom of his chin.
“Thank you, Dr. McCutcheon. My daughter means the world to me.”
    “That’s okay, Martha, that’s what us doctors
do,” Bixby said, ushering her back to her chair and sitting her
down. “I’m sure Dr. McCutcheon was happy to oblige.”
    At that moment the clock on the wall chimed
and John glanced up remembering Lily’s appointment at the bank. He
was an hour and a half late. He’d forgotten all about it, not that
he’d have been able to go even if he had remembered. He hoped she’d
rescheduled when she couldn’t find his whereabouts.
    “Come on, Dr. McCutcheon,” Bixby said,
opening the door again and going into the kitchen where the boy was
straightening up. With a clatter, the lad dumped the morning dishes
into a pan of soapy water. “We’ll be right out here, Martha. Just
give a call if you need anything.”
    “Have you two met?” Jas asked, gesturing to
the boy. “Formally, that is?”
    John went over and stuck out his hand to the
youth that had been so helpful during the operation. “No. But I’d
like to. He really knows his way around with medical things and
what to do. John McCutcheon.”
    The boy smiled and grasped John’s hand with a
firm grip. “I’m Tucker Noble. And I appreciate your kind words.
I’ve been working for doc for a while now.”
    “Glad to make your acquaintance, Tucker. I
really valued your thinking ahead in there.”
    “ No
problem. It’s what I do.”
cleared his throat. “He’s the best assistant I’ve ever had. If you
tell him what to expect he don’t mind bending his back none. He
earns five dollars a month.” He paused and looked away before
saying, “Now, if you’re smart,
you’ll keep him on when it’s my time to go.”
    John looked at Bixby suspiciously. “Where’re
you going? I was under the distinct impression you were sticking
around for a while.”
    “Thought you wanted this place

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