Roses For Katie

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Book: Roses For Katie by Dilys Xavier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dilys Xavier
pink camellia and a red one, some azaleas, and some hellebores for a show of blooms in January.
    It was then that Pat frowned and spoke more firmly. ‘You’ve selected some large specimens, but you haven’t looked at all of the roses on display yet. I’d say you’ve bought enough for the time being, so let’s get these into the garden first, eh?’
    Katie frowned. ‘I’d love some peonies, too, and a couple of blue eucalyptus trees as well; they have such pretty greenery through the winter months, and I could pick some branches for my flower arrangements.’ She paused, then lifted a finger as she thought of something else. ‘Oh, and an oak tree; I have wanted an evergreen oak tree forever.’
    ‘And now why would you be wanting an oak tree?’
    ‘No particular reason, but it’s such a beautiful giant and I’ve read that oaks are host to lots of insects, which encourages birds to visit, and I want as many birds as my garden will hold.’ She took a deep breath and waited for his response. ‘It is said that fairies dance around female oak trees,’ she said, giving a wink and a smile.
    Pat rubbed his nose, and lowered his head close to hers to confide. ‘Yes, and of course, coming from Ireland, I’d know all about the fairies, wouldn’t I now?’ Then his expression became serious. ‘Now would you be knowing that an oak tree will grow to a hundred feet ?’
    ‘A hundred?’ Katie said, looking surprised.
    ‘Yes, but don’t worry yourself too much over it, because that won’t happen for the next hundred years. You can have your oak tree.’
    Katie flipped his arm. ‘Great, but stop teasing me, Pat O’Reilly.’
    When she pointed to some hollyhock, and foxglove plants, Pat shook his head. ‘Oh no, Mrs. Turner. I’ll grow the likes of those from seed for you.’
    Katie shook her head. ‘I can’t wait that long. I want instant colour.’
    ‘You’re behaving like a spoilt child,’ he said, laughingly, ‘wanting this and that.’ He gave a sigh. ‘All right, just a couple then, and that’s it. There’s enough here to keep me busy for a while, and you’ve only bought a few rose bushes yet. I think we should go now. Come on.’ He turned away and pushed the trolley towards the cash desk, giving Katie no option but to follow.
    Katie paid for the plants, and after Pat had stacked them in the car, he turned to her with a tolerant expression. ‘Don’t worry, it pleases me to spoil you. I’ll take you to another centre soon, but next time, please see that you buy the rose trees you want so badly. There are empty places crying out for them.’
    Katie nodded, and rode home feeling quite exhilarated. While Pat unloaded the plants onto the patio, she slipped inside to get some refreshments. Within minutes, she reappeared with a tray of tea and cake. ‘I made this carrot cake last night,’ she said, ‘or there are biscuits in the tin.’ In a most relaxed manner, they discussed exactly where to put the plants they had brought home, and what else could be fitted in.
    ‘Tell you what,’ Katie announced, ‘What if you arrange to have blocks of color, red and yellow, blue and yellow, with tall plants at the back, dropping in size to tiny ones in front.’ She positioned her face to look straight into Pat’s twinkling eyes.
    He laughed at her playfulness. ‘Yes, Madam, I have already thought about that, and you shall have it, but let me water the poor things now, or you’ll have nothing at all from this lot.’ He rose to his feet. ‘I thoroughly enjoyed today and we’ll do it again, but next time, it’s exclusively for roses.’
    Katie looked at him as he fetched the hose, appreciating how kind he was. How many other men, she wondered, would give up their afternoon off, as he had done today. He really was so kind and helpful… a real gem. The fact he might leave one day, didn’t bear thinking about. Then she scolded herself again for her selfish thoughts…after all, he had every right to choose

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