The Perfect Suitor (Bewildering Love Series)
obvious the gentleman was enamored by her. Paxton refused to admit that she had the same effect on him as well.
    “Lydia!” Paxton shouted as he got up from his desk and walked into the hall. The butler came in as fast as his feeble legs would carry him. “James, have you seen my sister?”
    James nodded. “Yes, my lord. She said she was going to have tea with your cousin, the Duchess of Arlington.”
    “Did she take that large beast she calls a dog with her?”
    James, always stoic, showed no sign that his employer’s request was odd. The staff was well aware the earl did not like the animal. “No, my lord. I believe Brigs is in Lady Lydia’s room.”
    “Then have him fetched for me and see that he is put on a leash.”
    “Right away.” James left to take care of the task, and not five minutes later Paxton was handed the leash attached to the excited Great Dane, the beast panting and lunging toward the door, anxious for his walk. Paxton never went anywhere near the dog, and he cursed as his arm was nearly jerked out of its socket. “You better open the door, James, before this dog decides to rip my arm off.”
    James quickly opened the door and watched helplessly as his employer was yanked through the entranceway.
    Frustrated and not wanting Lady Evelyn to see him with the uncontrollable mongrel, Paxton yanked back on the leash, bringing the dog to a choking stop. “If we’re going to do this, we will do it my way.” Paxton wrapped the leash around his hand a few times so as to give Brigs less slack to run. “Now,” he got next to the dog, and said, “come.”
    The dog seemed to understand for he walked close to Paxton’s side as they crossed the street and entered the park. Paxton walked casually past Eve and her escort, hoping she would notice him. However, it seemed the couple were enthralled in their conversation and they didn’t even raise their eyes toward him.
    Paxton then stood to the side, watching Eve. Preoccupied, he did not notice the red leather ball go rolling right in front of Brigs’ face. The dog took off at a run, almost pulling Paxton’s arm off. He literally had to run behind the beast to prevent himself from being dragged as he tried to regain his footing. Brigs finally caught up with the ball and sank his fangs into it, destroying the child’s toy with a few good chomps. Suddenly Paxton could hear the wailing of a little boy and the sounds of a mother trying to soothe the child. “Great. Now look what you have done!” Paxton scolded the dog loudly.
    “Do you think he will now contemplate before doing such a thing again?” Evelyn laughed behind him. She obviously witnessed this minor catastrophe.
    “Lady Evelyn, what a pleasant surprise.” He glanced at Brigs, who lay down to chew on his trophy.
    “Can I be of any assistance, my lord?” she asked, seemingly amused by his sneered expression.
    “Would you mind watching Brigs while I have a word with the boy and his mother?”
    “Not at all.” Eve reached out and unwound the leash from his hand, noticing the red welts from the dog’s speedy run. She gently rubbed his hand with her own.
    The Earl of Devonhurst seemed not to know what to make of the gesture. His expression was somewhere between anger and being appalled, resulting mostly in a look of confusion that Eve found quite amusing.
    “Thanks. If he tries to run, drop the leash so he does not take you with him.”
    Eve nodded. She did not intend to be dragged all over the park. “Believe me, I will,” she assured him. She watched as Paxton made his way to the crying child. He crouched down to console the boy, apologizing and trying to explain the reason for his dog’s behavior. He then went to a vendor and purchased the boy a shaved ice. The crying stopped immediately. He gave the mother some money for a new toy and returned to Eve.
    “That was very well done,” Eve stated. “It seems you have a way with children.”
    “I used to be one.” Paxton laughed,

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