Passion Tempted (Masquerade Part II)

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Book: Passion Tempted (Masquerade Part II) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
please. I’ve been up all night.”
    Heather was hardly presentable. She could just imagine her puffy eyes. And she was dressed, b arely, in a thin satin robe . Ryan looked dashing as usual. She felt excitement flood through her just looking at his biceps. He wore a short-sleeved polo shirt with his washed jeans.
    Ryan saw the distress Heather couldn’t hide and felt even worse. Her soft blond curls were held up in a clip. She looked deliciously disheveled.
    “You’re engaged?” The words just came out before she could think.
    “No, not really.” He took her hand and pulled her to the sofa. “It’s kind of a long story. I don’t suppose you’d just trust me.” The look on Heather’s face was dist racting. She should hate me, he thought. Yet, there was a look in her eyes that he’d come to know in just this short time. Ryan felt the lust consuming him, being this close to her. He had to fix this mess.
    “Let’s just say that in my business, there are pressures. Publicity is a big deal.” Ryan combed his hand through his hair.
    “So, you are going to marry her?” Heather moved away from Ryan, leaning further back on the cushion behind her. Looking at Ryan’s anxiety pulled at her heart but she tried to stay strong.
    “No. Believe me when I tell you that I’m not. We’ve gone out. We were seen together. The tabloids went crazy. That’s nothing unusual. The big story is our engagement. But there is no engagement. Christina must have leaked something to the press.”
    “Do you love her?” Heather’s voice was so quiet she barely heard it herself. She took in his muscled chest and shoulders, the ache for him starting deep inside her.
    Ryan looked at her with his piercing gray-green eyes and just kept looking at her. Heather felt the heat spreading through her core. She began not caring what Ryan sa id, as long as he was with her. Last night’s torture told her that she needed him, badly, whether he was good for her or not.
    “No. I don’t love her.” Ryan felt his dick harden as he looked into Heather’s eyes. Neither spoke. Heather felt weak and looked down, clinging to her last second of restraint. Ryan reached out, pulling her suddenly close to him, with his hand behind her back. As she slid on the sofa, the silk robe came open. He realized that she had nothing under it. His heart skipped a beat.
    Heather had no strength to resist. She was crazy for him, out of her depth. The wetness between her legs betrayed her again. Ryan’s lips on hers, pressing into a hard, almost desperate kiss, pushed her over the edge. She clung to him, grabbing his hair, stroking his hard neck and shoulders.
    Ryan moaned as he kissed her. He had one hand behind her head as if to hold her to him, so she couldn’t escape. His tongue slipped in and out of her mouth, stroking her tongue, loving her. His other hand found her moist vagina. He felt the outer lips and tangled his fingers briefly in the sparse public hair.
    “Heather, baby,” he gasped as he pulled back from a kiss and began to lick down her neck to her lovely, firm breasts. His possessiveness pushed her closer to orgasm. She felt the urge to have him deep inside her. His mouth tenderly sucked first one nipple, then the other. He licked her delicious, flawless skin. Heather’s soft moan excited him and he bit lightly at each hard pink nipple, feeling the tiny darts harden in response.
    Heather spread her legs invitingly, responding to Ryan’s hand on her exposed sex. Without hesitation, his two fingers slid into the wet opening. Heather felt his thumb massage her clit, ever so slowly at first, driving her insane, wanting more. She kissed his neck, breathing deeply of his scent. Sex caused him to smell so erotic. Male sex engulfed her senses.
    Ryan’s thumb now stroked her clit insistently. She arched her back, her head tilting back, offering her breasts to Ryan’s tongue. He swirled his tongue around a nipple and her eyes closed in pleasure. He leaned her

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