Sins of a Siren

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Book: Sins of a Siren by Curtis L. Alcutt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Curtis L. Alcutt
is get some decent sleep, on a decent bed.
    She felt the comfort of her butterfly knife in her jacket pocket as she crossed Jack London Square en route to the hotel. The salty sea air coming off the Bay replaced the aroma of fresh brewed coffee as she approached the lobby doors of the hotel. She entered and crossed the well-lit lobby and stopped at the reception desk. The sound of a hip-hop song at a very low volume greeted her instead of a person.
Where is the receptionist? I just know there has to be somebody workin’ tonight.
She spotted a dome-shaped silver bell on the counter next to a rack full of brochures and maps of local events. She rang it twice.
    A split second later, a woman dressed in a navy blue skirt, white blouse and navy blue blazer emerged from the French doors to Trenda’s left, which opened into the large bar/lounge area. “I’msorry for the wait. I had to unlock the kitchen door for the food service delivery.” She opened a drawer and placed a card key inside. She tossed her shoulder-length hair over her shoulder. “I’m Lollie. May I help you?”
    Her L’Oreal Sea Fleur-colored nails went well with her cognac-brown flesh. “Yeah. You have any rooms available?”
    She typed a few strokes on her computer keyboard. “Name?”
    I better stick with my alias for now.
“Mya Collins.”
    â€œSmoking or non-smoking?”
    â€œIt don’t matter—whichever one is cheapest.”
    She looked up from her screen and grinned. “I heard that.” She typed a few more strokes. “I have a smoking room down on the first floor and a few other rooms on the upper floors.”
    â€œThe first-floor room will work. How much is it?”
    â€œ$179 per night.”
    Trenda did a double-take as she rummaged through her bag for her wallet. “
! Is that for
    Before the receptionist could answer, a huge, acne-faced security guard entered the lobby from outside. “Hey, Lollie! How’s it goin’?”
    Lollie looked at the large white-faced clock mounted on the wall behind the reception desk, then back at the guard. “Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago. I had to leave the desk and go let the food serviceman in. You know I’m the only one here tonight.”
    A crimson hue filled his alabaster face. “Sorry ’bout that. I saw some kids messin’ with cars in the back parking lot. I chased ’em out. It took a while for me to check the cars to make sure they didn’t get vandalized.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Next time, call me on your walkie-talkie and let me know what’s going on.”
    He slapped himself on the forehead. “Awww, man! I left it inthe back of my truck. I’ll be right back!” The large ring of keys hooked to his belt jingled loudly as he hurried out to his truck.
    Lollie shook her head and returned her attention back to Trenda. “I apologize. Usually we are much better organized, but the other girl that usually works with me went on maternity leave last week and the manager got sick and went home early.”
    As nice as your tits are, you could nurse the hell out of a baby.
“It’s all good. Now, how much did you say the room is?”
    â€œIt’s one-hun—”
    The guard came back carrying two sodas. “Hey, Lollie! I got you a Sprite!”
    She huffed. “Jason, can’t you see I’m with a
    He let his gray eyes roam Trenda’s curves. “Ohhh, I’m sorry!” He placed the soda can on the counter in front of Lollie. “I’m gonna go check on the deliveryman. I have my walkie-talkie now so buzz me if you need me.”
    Trenda removed her wallet and put her bag on the floor next to her. “They need to give you a serious pay raise.”
    â€œThat’s what I keep telling my boss.” She smiled, picked up the soda and turned

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