Living Dead Girl (Vampire Hunter Book 1)

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Book: Living Dead Girl (Vampire Hunter Book 1) by S.C. Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.C. Reynolds
loudly. “I didn’t want to tell you. She handled your death really badly. I guess this is her way of rebelling. That’s another reason I think you ought to come clean about being back. It might help Kayla. She always looked up to you.”
    A wave of sadness washed over me. “But everything has changed,” I said wistfully. “When I reveal myself, it’s not going to be like old times. Just like they had to come to terms with my death, there’s going to be an adjustment period.”
    “When are you planning on telling them then? I’m just not sure there is ever going to be a good time.”
    “Just give me a bit longer,” I begged. “I won’t leave the house during the day again. And you must admit, it hasn’t been that difficult hiding from your parents.”
    “True,” Henry conceded.
    “I’ll do it soon,” I promised.

Chapter 18
    The next morning I was a ball of nerves. Henry’s parents had both left the house at the crack of dawn so I was able to move around freely. That was a good thing, because I couldn’t sit still. It was a combination of excitement at seeing Lucas and utter fear at finding out what Mr. Matthews was really doing.
    Henry immediately picked up on my change in mood. “What’s your problem today?” he asked, popping some bread in the toaster.
    I laughed nervously. “Gets a little stir crazy, being here all day. No problem though,” I added hurriedly.
    “I was thinking I might ditch school today. Maybe we could catch another movie. Do something fun for a change. You know, it’s no cake walk sitting around my bedroom with you all the time .”
    “Most guys would be thrilled to have a girl in his bedroom 24/7,” I cracked. “And skipping school sounds like a terrible idea,” I said hastily.
    “Why’s that? I haven’t cut class in ages; ‘bout time I gave myself a break.”
    “Er,” I struggled to come up with a good reason. “There’s only a week left of class and then you’ll be completely free for nearly three whole months. And you have to tutor me at some point this summer. I thought we talked about that so I could start back next year as a senior.” Even to me, the reasoning sounded lame.
    But Henry was suspicious. “I know what’s really going on,” he said.
    “You said it yourself – you’re going stir crazy,” he continued. “You just want me out of the house so you can go out on your own. Do some more shopping, knowing you.”
    I laughed in relief. If only Henry knew what I was really up to. “No, no,” I assured him. “Trust me, after what happened when I snuck into my house, I wouldn’t go gallivanting around again.”
    “You’re going to be late,” I said, pushing him jokingly. He fake-fell off the kitchen stool, and I retaliated by tickling him.
    “No, stop, stop,” he cried in between fits of laughter, which only egged me on more. Henry lost his balance, pulling me down with him.
    “Ahhh!” he screeched as we toppled to the floor.
    “Are you okay?” I asked, still giggling.
    “I’m fine.” Henry had the same expression as two nights before, when he kissed me. 
    He held my gaze for several seconds. I found myself wanting to kiss him more than I’d ever wanted anything else. I started to lean in.
    Suddenly, Henry jumped to his feet. “I’d better get going,” he said awkwardly, picking up his book bag and hurriedly leaving without even saying goodbye.
    I shook my head, trying to clear away the confusion. This time, I had wanted to kiss him. Had he simply not picked up on my signals, or was he really not that into me? After I’d had some time to think about Henry’s ‘reason’ for kissing me the other night, I had come to the conclusion that he must feel something for me but the timing wasn’t right, with everything else going on. Could I be completely wrong? Maybe it truly was a drunken mistake.
    I couldn’t do this right now! I had to get ready and walk the couple of blocks to where Lucas was picking me up.

Chapter 19

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