Boyfriend for Hire

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Book: Boyfriend for Hire by Gail Chianese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Chianese
behind her. Her father shook his head and followed. No matter what she did, she’d always come up short in their eyes. Choosing to celebrate their sons’ successes while ignoring hers. Even knowing the attempt was futile, knowing no matter how hard she worked, how high she climbed in business, none of it would impress her parents. Until she announced she was engaged, they wouldn’t be happy with her. She should give up, save herself the heartache, if only it was in her to quit. The incident three weeks ago had been the first ever where she’d done so, and she didn’t plan to repeat the action ever again.
    George stood, gaze trained on the house. A sigh escaped and he turned to Tawny. “Look, I know what you meant, but try to see their side, okay? And yeah, I get it. Working for your big brother is not in your life plan. Still, the job’s there when and if you need it.” As he passed, he reached over and ruffled Tawny’s hair like he used to do when she was a teen getting ready to go out on a date. “I’m going to go see if Alex needs help with the kids.”
    She waited until George had entered the house before turning to the last man sitting—Mateo. “Are you mad at me too?”
    “Heck no.” Mateo scooted closer and slung an arm around Tawny. “We all have secrets, sis, especially ones we keep from Mike and Carol there.”
    “Mike and Carol Brady, the last of the perfect parents of the perfect children.”
    “I always pictured Ward and June Cleaver from the fifties with a dash of George Lopez thrown in for Dad.”
    “Who ever they are, we’re stuck with them. Any prospects yet?”
    Tawny dropped her head down on her arms. “Are you referring to work or my social life? The answer would be maybe on the first, and no on the second. If I don’t find something soon, I may take you up on your offer and move to Boston. Although then you’d be in hot water with the parentals, as it would be all your fault for me moving away.” She thought about telling Matty about the interview, but seriously, the way things had been going she’d probably end up jinxing herself.
    “I can handle it. I’m still in the doghouse for living an hour from home.” His voice changed from the playful banter earlier to one filled with melancholy.
    Tawny bumped his shoulder with her own, getting his attention. “Hey, what’s the matter? You don’t really think they’re mad at you, do you? They’re always bragging to their friends about their son the computer forensic expert and how you’ve helped the police and all these huge corporations. You’re right up there with Dante the Navy hero and George, he’s so smart and talented. Owns his own restaurant in the heart of Federal Hill.” She did a perfect imitation of her mother, making Mateo laugh.
    “I have secrets too, and if Mom and Dad knew, they wouldn’t be bragging.”
    “So don’t tell them.”
    “I think they’re going to find out soon.”
    “Ah, but not before you tell your favorite sister, right?” She tickled him in the ribs, trying to get him to lighten up. Nothing could be as bad as it sounded.
    “Oh right, let me go tell Alex first.” He held out his hands to fend off the playful slap Tawny gave him. “Okay, okay, I met someone. Someone special.”
    “So what’s his name, and tell me all about him.”
    Mateo turned sharply toward her, knocking her balance off. If she hadn’t grabbed the table she would have gone over backward and landed on her duff.
    “You know?”
    Now it was Tawny’s turn to hug him. “Matty, I’ve always known, and so do George and Dante. I think Mom and Dad suspect, but either way, they’ll still love you. They only want you to be happy and successful in life. Unlike me, who they want to be married off and dependent on some other person for my success and happiness.”
    “His name is Alistair Hollingsberry. He’s British and blond and he makes me ecstatic,” Matty murmured as he gazed off in the distance, a dreamy

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