Earthbound Angels Part 1: The Heartthrob Fallen Celestial Stories Collection
"Raven's not going to take
this very well. But I completely understand why you feel the way
you do. This is your wedding, and after the way she's acted toward
you, if you don't want her there, I won't be the reason for her to
turn up."
    Sighing, Simon disconnected the call. On one
hand, he was relieved that he wouldn't have to take responsibility
for Raven not being allowed to attend the wedding.
    On the other hand, however, he would be the one
to tell her that he couldn't take her as his date. Since Raven had
asked him specifically about the dress code, she would be back for
the answer as soon as she possibly could. He knew her to be that
way. So he could tell her about the dress code, but would keep
quiet about the invitations. She would soon find out she wasn't
invited to the wedding soon, anyway.
    He was not looking forward to see her face when
she found that out. Not at

    WHILE SIMON WAS having his uncomfortable lunch
with Raven, Dreama was at the hospital getting her patient settled
in a private room.
    Allison required the privacy because she was
rather unpredictable at this stage, and Dreama didn't want to risk
her hurting another patient while in one of her tirades. The
sedative had worn off about the time that Allison was being
transferred to a room and she had needed to be sedated once
    After leaving instructions with the nurses that
would be attending to Allison, she checked on her patient once more
before leaving. As it turned out, she had just enough time to run
home and change clothes and still make it to Erick and Hollianne's
for dinner.
    She was very excited about tonight because she
was hoping to have some time alone with Simon, if he was to be
    Once she reached her condo, she hurried inside
and took a quick shower. Applying light makeup and blow drying her
hair gave her a more restful look along with emphasizing her
natural beauty. She had decided to wear a pair of black well-fitted
jeans along with a purple V-neck sweater and black leather knee
    After spraying on some of her signature perfume,
she felt she was presentable enough, even for the very handsome and
very appealing Simon Draco.
    She got into her car and headed to the outskirts
of Moon Bay. It was a drive that she always enjoyed because it was
all countryside once she had left the city. No one loved the beauty
of nature more than Dreama. Of course she also loved visiting the
castle. It was one of the most relaxing locations on earth as far
as she was concerned, and she couldn't wait until she had a few
days to spend there.
    She smiled when she remembered how she was
informed that a part of Holli's closest friends could stay in the
castle after they left for their honeymoon. Holli specifically
informed her she was one of those a few weeks ago, and so she made
preparations and had her schedule wrapped around this short break.
She would love getting to catch up on those books she had long ago
purchased but had not enough time to read.
    When Dreama finally arrived at Erick and
Hollianne's, Holli threw open the front door and hurried down the
front steps to greet her.
    She had to smile at the enthusiasm that Holli
seemed to inject into everything she did. It also didn't hurt that
she loved to feel so welcome. Holli rarely met a stranger and, even
when she did, that stranger typically became a fast friend in no
    Everyone, that was, except Raven.
    But it was Raven's fault. For some reason, she
had disliked Holli on sight and was actually embarrassingly rude to
her on many occasions. It had shocked Holli and Dreama, though
Holli recovered pretty quickly, which was pretty cool. After a
couple more attempts at being friendly to Raven to win her over had
failed, Holli threw down the gauntlet. She would often say that she
was surprised Dreama and Raven were sisters. Dreama had heard this
observation numerous times in her life, and she really didn't have
an answer as to why Raven remained this way anymore.
    Dreama knew more than

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