Revving Up the Holidays

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Book: Revving Up the Holidays by A. S. Fenichel Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. S. Fenichel
hand where it was spread across her
abdomen. For a moment he thought she was going to get off the bike and walk out
of his life forever. But instead, she pressed his hand down until it was
between her legs and he could feel the dampness of her panties. His entire body
was on fire as he turned off the bike and slid his fingers inside the elastic
band at her thigh.
    She gasped as his fingers slid between her wet folds. He
rubbed her clit, and she pressed her hips forward, riding his hand and the
bike. Her neck and back arched until her head rested on his shoulder and he had
access to her slim neck. Kissing the sensitive flesh just below her ear caused
her to cry his name. She pumped her ass back and forth wildly as he pressed his
finger deep inside her.
    “Come for me.”
    She exploded against his hand, gasping and panting.
    He loved that his words had sent her over the edge. His cock
ached to be inside her. He reached into the saddlebag on the bike and found the
stash of condoms he’d placed there with the hope that he could eventually
convince her to go for a ride with him. “Can you turn around?”
    Languidly, she complied. Moving until she was facing him,
with her thighs over his and her back against the handlebars.
    “Are those your favorite panties?”
    She shook her head.
    He gripped the elastic and with one quick pull, tore the
thong and exposed her glistening pussy. His cock was out of his trousers in
thirty seconds and he rolled the condom over the tip before she took over the
job with her small, delicate hands. Her blouse had four tiny buttons and he
slid each one through its hole, exposing a white lacy bra that conveniently had
a front closure. With two hands, he opened the frilly underwear and cupped one
perfect globe in each hand, worrying the taut peaks.
    She arched her back and lifted her hips closer to his shaft.
He wanted to take it slow but his need was too great. He leaned forward and
took a nipple into his mouth. Nipping it lightly, she encouraged him with a
deep moan. Sitting back, he lifted her with him, placed his head at her core
and impaled her on his cock. Her mouth opened and he muffled her cries with his
    She used her thighs to lift herself up and slowly lower back
onto him again. Her pussy tightly encased him in ecstasy and her tongue rivaled
his in the desperation of the kiss.
    He would never last at this pace. He slowed the kiss and
gripped her hips to slow her pumping rhythm. Magnificent didn’t even begin to
describe Giada. He suckled one nipple and then the other.
    Her hand pressed between their bodies and she rubbed her
clit. He couldn’t take any more. The sight and the gasps coming from her mouth
were so erotic. He grabbed her hips and lifted her off him and let her drop
again until he was buried deep within her. He did this again and again.
    Moaning his name, the walls of her pussy contracted around
him. She milked his cock, pushing him over the edge. He wrapped his arms around
her and buried his groans in her soft hair until the shattering orgasm passed.
    He kissed her ear, her cheek and then her lips. “You’re so
beautiful, Giada.”
    She was a perfect fit in his arms. Holding her and caressing
her back, thoughts of a future with her filtered into his mind. Maybe it wasn’t
crazy to want more out of his life than a high-paying job. He brushed the thought
aside and kissed her neck.
    He never wanted the moment to end, but she kissed him on the
cheek and pushed back from his embrace. “I should go. I have finals to grade
    She extricated herself from the awkward position and stepped
off the bike. Reaching under her wrinkled skirt, she pulled the torn thong
underwear down her leg and then looked for somewhere to dispose of them.
    “Here, give them to me. I’ll get rid of them.”
    She handed him the ruined material. “Somewhere that your
sister won’t find them.”
    He stepped off the bike, zipped his fly and took her
underwear from her. “I

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