Momentous Kisses: Love in Sandy Beach

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Book: Momentous Kisses: Love in Sandy Beach by Jessica Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gray
started shivering after the sunset, and they quickly gathered their stuff and drove back to his place, arriving well after dark. His mind was still in turmoil, and he realized he needed to make some decisions. Soon.
    “Do you mind if I go for a run? I have some thinking to do. You’re welcome to join me, but let me warn you, I won’t be a good conversation partner.”
    Allison yawned and shook her head. “No, you go. I’m tired. I’ll find something for us to watch on television for when you get back.”
    He kissed her on the forehead and then hurried to change into his running clothes and shoes. During the exercise he used the quiet time to think about his life, and took the firm decision to induce some major changes.
    When he returned an hour later, he found a sleeping Allison on the couch. He turned the television off and carried her to his bed. After a quick shower, he cuddled up next to her and quickly fell asleep. She had touched him deep down, and he knew he would never be the same again.

Chapter 15
    The next morning, Allison awoke to a very queasy stomach. She managed to drink some water and brush her teeth, but the mere thought of food had her stomach revolting and threatening to empty itself.
    “Want some breakfast?” Russell asked from the bathroom doorway.
    Allison shook her head. “No. My stomach’s not feeling very good this morning. It was probably something I ate on the picnic yesterday.”
    “Are you sure? I could make you some toast,” he offered.
    “No, thanks. I’ll eat something later.”
    Russell tilted his brow, looking at her uncertainly. “I’ll be home early. Call me if you need something. Promise?”
    “Promise.” She walked him to the door with wobbly legs, turning her head so he could kiss her cheek. “Just in case whatever I have is contagious.”
    He smoothed a hand down her hair. “Get some more sleep, Ally. You’ll feel better when you wake up.”
    She headed back to bed, but couldn’t sleep – especially when her phone started ringing with the distinctive ring tone she’d assigned for her family. She glanced at the caller ID. It was her sister Reese. “Hey, Ree.”
    “Where are you? I tried calling you at home all weekend and you never answered.”
    “I’m in Chicago with Russell.”
    “I should have known it; you went through with that test theory of yours.”
    Reese laughed out loud and then said, “Hey, don’t mind me. If it works, why not?”
    After a few minutes of catching up, Allison promised to call her sister later. As the morning progressed, she felt more like herself and decided to get some fresh air.
    She walked to Millennium Park, taking her painting stuff with her. Chicago wasn’t so bad if you knew the right places to go, and she found a secluded and peaceful spot to sit and paint.
    She painted for several hours and then packed her stuff up and returned home. By the time she arrived, she was exhausted and reclined on the couch with her Kindle, waiting for Russell to come home.
    “Hey, Sunshine. Do you feel better?”
    Allison nodded. “My stomach feels better, but I’m awfully tired.”
    “Feel like going out for dinner?” he asked.
    “Not really. Are you hungry?”
    “Always. How about I order in and we watch a movie?” he suggested.
    “That sounds about what I’m up for.”
    Russell ordered their food and they settled down to watch a romantic comedy. Allison hated the fact she wasn’t her usual energetic self, but she loved to cuddle with him on the couch.
    She’d enjoyed their week together and was amazed at how quickly they’d grown accustomed to each other. The thought of having to leave him to go back to Sandy Beach sent cold shivers down her spine, but then she couldn’t imagine moving to Chicago either.
    In contrast to her older brothers, she had always loved the small-town life of Sandy Beach, and the day her parents had moved there permanently had been the luckiest day in her life.

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