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Book: Claimed by Rebecca Zanetti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Zanetti
    Terent grabbed his cup and pushed back from the table. “Why do I always have to give the council update during the friggin’ tea?” he muttered for his table alone to hear.
    Jordan chuckled. “That’s my favorite part of this whole damn week.”
    During the tea, anger began to roll in Dage’s gut while Terent gave the statistics for how many werewolves had been created the last ten years. Most had been captured and destroyed by the council.
    Terent returned to his seat with the applause still dying down. “I’m good for ten years, my friends.”
    Emma cleared her throat. “You didn’t let any of the werewolves live?” She pursed her pink lips as if calculating scientific formulas in her intelligent head.
    Terent frowned. “Of course not. When humans are bitten by a werewolf, they turn into one—pure animal wanting to eat and kill. They don’t live for long, even if they’re bound by a master with a spell.”
    Dage patted her hand, knowing she’d keep quiet about Maggie. He had seen the spell performed once in his youth. The werewolf stood shackled in silver while an incantation was read by the new master. Dage leaned toward Terent. “Your numbers were extremely high this time.”
    Terent’s gaze narrowed. “Yes. Someone is purposefully trying to create slaves. Short term, anyway. We’re on it.” He raised an eyebrow at Dage. “We need your data on the virus and the goal to impact shifters, though frankly I don’t see it happening.”
    â€œKane will be here tomorrow and has cleared his schedule to work with you,” Dage said. His brother would share most of the data, anyway. Everything but the fact that one little wolf shifter had already been infected. Damn but he hated lying to his friend. The fact that Dage made a good king, could lie easily for the sake of diplomacy and the common good truly served to show what a bastard he’d become.
    Emma placed a hand over his and he stilled, swiveling his gaze to her soft eyes—understanding eyes complimenting a small smile. She gave him a reassuring pat.
    Damn. How had she read him so easily? His shoulders relaxed from her comforting gesture even as his mind spun. His mate.
    The tea over, Emma placed her napkin on her empty plate and stood. “I think I’ll go check on Cara.”
    The rest of the table stood, and Dage grasped her arm, taken aback for a moment by the fragility of the bones beneath his hands. Fate had created her for him, and he’d be damned if his world would cause her harm. “I’ll accompany you.” He smiled at his friends. “See you at the general meeting in a few hours.”
    They had almost made it to the door when Prophet Milner sidled up. “Well now, isn’t this a grand sight?” His beady dark eyes sparked with approval, then his hooked nose sniffed the air. “Wait a minute. You haven’t marked her yet?” Bony hands went to bony hips.
    Dage forced a half smile. “My private life is private, Prophet.” The ability to couch a warning as polite conversation had been taught in his infancy.
    â€œYou have a destiny to fulfill.” Parchment thin skin stretched over sharp bones, giving Milner the look of a buzzard. The man wouldn’t know a warning if it bit him on his nonexistent ass.
    Emma shifted. “I will not be marked, Prophet. Get that through your head, now.”
    Milner chuckled, his pale hands clasping together. “Of course you will, my dear. Our people need a queen.”
    â€œNo. I will not be your queen.” Emma’s lips firmed and sparks of fire lit her pretty blue eyes. “I’m heading home as soon as my sister is settled in.”
    Rage shot through the king like he’d never known. She’d denied their future to another person. It was one thing to need a little persuading, quite another to publicly reject him. The

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