Match, John
Matthew, M. A.
Mazurov, Colonel
Meier, Heinz
Meikeljohn, Robert
Mellon, Andrew
Memorial (organization) mental illness
Metropol Hotel
Germans in
girls at
Steiger’s disappearance from
Meyerhold, Vsevolod
Meyerhold, Zinaida
Mezhlauk, Valery
Mikhoels, Solomon
Mikoyan, Anastas
Milchakov (Serebrovsky’s Russian deputy)
“Miller, Joe,”
Milosz, Czeslaw
Mine No. Seventeen
Mine No. Eighteen
miners, mines
in Kolyma
in United States
Mironov (NKVD chief)
Misha (friend of Paul Robeson, Jr.)
Mission to Moscow (J. Davies)
Mission to Moscow (movie)
Mitnik, Charlotte Busch
Moats, Alice-Leone
Molotov, Polina
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Hitler-Stalin Pact and
old age of
radio addresses of
U.S. clandestine mission of
Molotov (now known as Perm)
Moore, David
Moore, R. Walton
Morgenthau, Henry n gold and
Morgenthau Plan
Morozov, Pavlik
air raid in
Aragvis in
auto propaganda display in
baseball in
Bolshoi Theater in
Butyrskaya Prison in
churches in
cultural activities in
Davies entourage’s arrival in
diplomatic evacuation of
Donskoi Cemetery in
education in
effects of World War in
embassies in ; see also U.S. embassy, Moscow
English-language newspapers in, see Moscow Daily News ; Moscow News
Foreign Workers’ Club in, see Foreign Workers’ Club
fourteenth anniversary of Russian Revolution in
German advance on
Gorky Park in, see Gorky Park
Harriman’s departure from
hot dogs in
hotels in; see also Metropol Hotel
House of Writers in
Kahn’s office in
Kim -Sung’s visit to
Kremlin in, see Kremlin
Lubyanka in, see Lubyanka
Lubyanka Square in
May Days in
military airport in
nighttime arrests in
overcrowding in
police in
postwar appearance of “captive Americans” in
records burned in
Red Square in
Robeson in
Sorensen in
Soviet Ninth Trade Union Congress in
Stalin stadium in
stores in
Terror in
as unhealthful diplomatic post
Moscow ( continued )
U.S. reporters in
U.S. workers in
Moscow Children’s Theater
Moscow Daily News
baseball in
passport registration request in
Moscow News
Moscow Pioneer
Moscow show trials
of Bukharin
Davies and
of Kazakov
Moscow Soviet
Moscow State Philharmonic
“Moscow the Magnet” (Pilnyak)
Moscow Zoo
aboard Sea Cloud
Invisible Man
Stalin’s watching of
Munchenerplatz, Soviet jail at
Murrto, Benny
of Magadan cultural brigade
protest songs
of Robeson
Mussolini, Benito
“My Days Have Raced Past” (Mandelstam)
My Life and Work (Ford)
National Geographic
Navy, U.S.
Kamchatka crash site and
Negress and the Monkey, The (moral tale)
Németh, Miklós
Neue Freie Presse
New Deal
New Masses
New Russia’s Primer
New York, N.Y.
Amtorg in
baseball in
Harlem in
Hopkins’ speech in
J. Davies in
Khrushchev in
Kravchenko’s defection in
Krivitsky tracked in
Litvinov’s arrival in
Russian aid rally in
Soviet consulate in
T. Sgovio’s return to
unofficial Soviet embassy in
New York Daily News
New York Daily Worker
New Yorker
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times n
famine in
Ford-Soviet negotiations in
H. Jaffe in
labor camps in
Litvinov in
on numbers killed during Terror
on passport confiscation
Shaw’s lecture in
New York World’s Fair ()
Nicholas , tsar of Russia
Nichols, Donald
Nielsen, Hans Jacob
“Nielsen” (naturalized American)
Nikishov, Aleksandra Gridassova
Nikishov, Ivan
background of n - n
Wallace’s visit and
Nikolaev, Leonid
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell)
Ninety-first Psalm
Ninty-ninth Soviet Airborne Division
Nizhni Novgorod, see Gorky
Nizhni Tagil
NKVD (Commissariat for Internal Affairs) n
anniversary of
bickering of
burning of records of
camp doctors of
Ciliberti’s friendship with
counterfeiting of
criminals favored by
Dalstroi and
“enemies of the