and in loyalty to Christ and His truth.
My last communication from him was about a week before he appeared at the noon meeting in March for the last time. The contents of his letter were mainly along the lines of urging to incessant activity for the ingathering of the lost, and the up-building of the saints, and encouraging myself personally to go on in the work among the fallen and the outcast. The tenderness of his words of counsel and encouragement are with me still.
Photo of Pastor Malcolm Ferguson
Tribute by Pastor M. Ferguson,
After Mrs. Harper’s death
he would often stay overnight in the
church and pray for the occupants of
every seat, and then on Sabbath
he would look for and expect
souls to be saved.
He was a burning and a shining light.
IT WAS MY PRIVILEGE AND joy to know the late Pastor John Harper for over twelve years. I first heard of him at New Cumnock, where he had been holding some meetings. The church formed there by Mr. James Adair was looking out for a pastor and were very keen to secure Mr. Harper. I saw the fruits of his mission and felt any church would be justified in securing such a man of God.
I afterwards met him in the Gordon Halls, Paisley Road, and when I saw the spirit and enthusiasm of the meetings, I said to one of the workers, “You won’t keep Mr. Harper long here.”
Well, he was not to be so easily lifted out of Paisley Road. He found his sphere there for many years, and hundreds will thank God through all eternity for his faithful ministry in that place. Others will tell the tale of the church, its enlargement, its constant revivals, the overflowing crowds, and the hundreds of souls saved and blessed.
I was often there during 1905, when the news of the Welsh Revival spread. I did not go to Wales but often saw scenes in Paisley Road Church similar to what we heard were going on there. The crowds were so great it was difficult to get in, and after getting in, still more difficult to get near the platform. Then, before anyone could speak ten minutes, souls were crying out for mercy under the mighty power of God. It was not excitement. It was the Holy Spirit convicting of sin. One was forced to ask often, what is the secret of this perennial blessing in Paisley Road? But when in touch with the pastor in his vestry or in his home, the secret was soon found out.
Nobody could be in Mr. Harper’s presence long till it was found what a mighty man of God he was, especially in prayer. He knew God. He knew his Bible, and he knew by heart-felt experience the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. He had a passionate love for Christ and souls. It often amazed me the amount of work Mr. Harper went through. When he studied, and how he prepared the marvelous addresses he gave, was a wonder to many. But when most of us were sleeping, he was in the secret place of the Most High, closeted with God and His Word all night in the little room off the vestry in Paisley Road Church.
After Mrs. Harper’s death, he would often stay overnight in the church and pray for the occupants of every seat, and then on Sabbath he would look for and expect souls to be saved.
He was a burning and a shining light. Some burn and don’t shine; others shine but don’t burn. When he spoke, it might be said of him what was said by the man who went to hear Rowland Hill, “The words come hissing hot from his heart.” He believed what he preached and preached what he believed. Christ and eternal things were all so real to him. He lived and preached “as if Christ died yesterday, rose today, and was coming tomorrow.”
We say of him what Jonathan said of David: “You will be missed, for your place will be vacant.” How some of us miss him! We miss his cheery word, his helpful messages, and above all the