Enemy Mine (The Base Branch Series Book 1)

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Book: Enemy Mine (The Base Branch Series Book 1) by Megan Mitcham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Mitcham
locked the door and placed a folded towel at the threshold to block any light from the cameras. He slapped the closet light on, then shrugged out of his jacket and tie and slung them at the hamper. Both articles of clothing smacked the wall before plopping to the floor.
    “Par for the course,” he grumbled.
    Back at the safe, he punched in the code and retrieved a thin black laptop and started it up.
    Kobi thought himself Devereaux’s watchdog, constantly nipping at Baine’s heels and barking in his ear. Like a dog with a bone, Kobi had curled his lips and raised his hackles the moment Baine had shown an interest in his father’s dealings nearly two years ago. It either showed the man’s desperation to stay in Devereaux’s good graces or spot on instincts that Baine was a bad jack, or both. Regardless of the reason, Kobi had screwed up his plans for the last time.
    Baine sat on an armchair in the massive walk-in, typed his way through several security measures, then clicked on the video icon. Kobi had bugged Baine’s room, but obviously, from the hours of footage Baine had viewed, never thought his own haven could be bugged. Baine just hoped the fucker had been stupid enough to leak the information about the assassination from his room. In which case, Baine would have the proof on file, pass it along to his father, and wave good-bye to one of the two things standing in the way of finally taking his father out.
    A levity he hadn’t felt in a couple of decades made his deep inhale a bit easier. The pinwheel on the screen whirled as he waited for the video feed to load. After a spell the console came to life, unfolding the dated log of days past on the left of the screen, offering menu options across the top, and in the center a reel of the current stream. Baine hunched toward the computer trying to figure out exactly what transpired in Kobi’s rooms at this very moment. He gripped the base of the display with both hands, tilted it back to remove any possible glare, and moved the computer closer still.
    “Bloody bang.”
    Baine watched the woman who’d been at the end of his barrel scant days ago step from Ross’s bathroom all legs and tits in a tiny dress. She looked nothing like the hard-hitting agent he’d hammered over the head in that vacant flat, but it was her. No doubt. Her features, though in costume, were too strikingly unique.
    How could he be so unaware, so incompetent, not to notice her at dinner? For fuck’s sake, she’d been sitting right next to him, but he’d automatically discounted her as the hired help. A rookie cock-up for sure. One that could ruin everything he desired and worked damn hard to get. One that could get him killed.
    Kobi straightened from the bedside table where he’d been hunched and rubbed the white of cocaine off his nose with the cuff of his jacket. Old habits. He beckoned her with his other hand. “I have something better than a drink.”
    With a hip-rocking gate, she met him at the bedside. The chav gave a bobbing nod and crooked smile as though he were Casanova himself, and not a total douche. She peered over his shoulder at the offering.
    “Oh,” she said, pulling her hand to her bosom. Lashes batting, she added, “I’ve never done that before.”
    Kobi laughed. “A virgin. I’m surprised, with your line of work and all.”
    The woman’s laugh held no amusement, and veiled another emotion that flickered in her eyes. Hatred. Anger. Disgust. Baine didn’t know, but was certain one or all applied. But Kobi missed it, busy ogling her chest.
    “Could you show me how,” she asked.
    He snorted two lines in tutorial, then stumbled forward, missing her hand completely when trying to hand her the fancy straw.
    “Are you okay?”
    She offered her hand and he levered his way up her body to stand straight.
    “I’m... I… I’m so good,” he slurred, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck.
    Baine removed his hands from the computer, afraid he’d snap it

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