Ipion, although the latter is much less common. Local communities
are peaceful to each other and to the outside world, and the whole
archipelago is a worldwide synonym for limitless freedom, often
resembling anarchy. Despite the lack of a proper state organism
most of the islands recognize the flag shown above as a symbol of
their homeland, although in different colour configurations.
According to tradition, the ships coming from the islands fly the
flag of the captain below their island's banner.
    Trogar - the largest settlement on the Karahams.
If there existed any formal state organization, this city would
undoubtedly be its capital, due to the size and being located
almost in the middle the entire archipelago. An unwritten home-port
for most pirates, smugglers and adventurers sailing the East Sea
and the Inner Ocean. Widely regarded as a safe, neutral port for
each seafaring vessel.


    Free City of Daelwynn – a town-state
situated in the middle of Herbion. Although it was founded by
merchants from Haaven as a settlement on the trade route leading
north, it has never been part of the Trade Guild Federation,
however many citizens of Daelwynn are still its members. As a
meeting point between the territories of the Principality of
Woodland, Daegan Independent Republic and the Northern Kaesary, and
also being a natural foothold for the mainland interests of the
Trade Guild, with Daelwynn was connected by a customs union, the
city became a natural arena for the neighbourly struggle for
influences. Formally Daelwynn had always been independent, although
over the centuries the doges that ruled the city, elected for life
by the City Council, often represented the interests of one of the
    It wasn't until Benedictus Petri-Verfalden had been elected
doge about twenty years before the events described herein, that
Daelwynn was led to extraordinary prosperity. His army reform,
establishment of special forces and visionary diplomatic actions
made Daelwynn one of the most important players on the political
arena of the continent, and the increasing wealth of the city and
its citizens allowed to carry out more and more daring plans of the
ambitious doge.

    Trade Guild Federation - an ancient
organization founded by the merchants of the First Empire. During
the Great War, Haaven was the only southern city that defended
itself against the invaders, which, however, resulted in the
independence of the city. Merchants from Haaven spread their
influence over the entire northern coast of the Azure Gulf founding
numerous factories and settlements, which over the next centuries,
expanded as cities united under the coat of arms of the Trade
Guild. Marine expeditions resulted in setting up trading outposts
on the far Northern Peninsula and sunny Spindle Islands. The
growing importance of Daelwynn during several years before the
events described in this book, encouraged the Spindle Islands'
settlements, which founded their own organization called the
Eastern Company. Following their example Smiteverden announced its
secession and founded the Artificers' Guild.
    Haaven - the capital of the Trade Guild and
the largest port in the world. Once that could put the largest and
most modern fleet, is still a sea power, but without so
overwhelming advantage over its rivals.
    Port Sud - the second largest city of the
Trade Guild located on the furthest inside point of the Gulf of


    Artificers' Guild - an
organization created as a result of Smiteverden's detachment from the
Trade Guild Federation and its alliance with the tribes living in
the fjords and tundra of the Northern Peninsula. The name refers to
the production of all kinds of leather garments and utensils and
the wider metalworking. In the course of the events described in
this book, this organization has only existed for less than two
years. The refusal to accede to the Eastern Company led to the

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