INTO DANGER (Secret Assassins (S.A.S.S.) Book 1)

Free INTO DANGER (Secret Assassins (S.A.S.S.) Book 1) by Gennita Low Page A

Book: INTO DANGER (Secret Assassins (S.A.S.S.) Book 1) by Gennita Low Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gennita Low
moan of protest didn’t help, either, and he sucked in his breath when the strong legs around his waist pulled him even harder against her lower body. She opened her eyes and they were so blue they looked violet. Her expression was so shatteringly open, he forgot to discharge the air in his lungs. Not the usual amused mockery. None of the confident and knowing gaze. Instead she had that startled, vulnerable look in her eyes again. And a hunger in them that caught him by surprise. Beneath his hand, her heart beat as rapidly as his. She blinked. The look disappeared.
    Marlena licked her swollen lips slowly, willing that thundering sound in her head to slow down. The heat of his lower body burned through her cotton shorts. She had to say something—anything—to establish control again.
    “Are you hungry again?” she asked, trying to clear the huskiness from her voice. She jerked her imprisoned hands a little, testing his strength. His hold remained viselike. Yet she didn’t feel at all threatened.
    His midnight eyes glittered back with suppressed emotion. There was still anger, but also something more. “I’m very hungry.”
    His growl shook Marlena’s very being. He aroused something primitive in her that made her breathless and eager, like a young schoolgirl. She shouldn’t like how he affected her.
    “Leftover muffins? Stale pancakes?” She had to cool the situation down right now.
    His eyes narrowed. “That’s not going to satisfy my hunger. I’m looking for something tastier. Something different.” To demonstrate the direction of his thoughts, he bent his head and scraped his teeth along her jaw, adding, in between nibbles, “Something delicious.”
    The shaking inside her had become tremors. She didn’t like it. No, she wasn’t liking this one bit. She opened her mouth, intending a smart, distracting observation. “Oh...” was all she managed when teeth sank into her pulse point.
    “Not so in charge now, are you, Miss Maxwell?” he mocked, his breath hot against her skin as he continued nibbling.
    That was it. No man was allowed to think he had the upper hand where she was concerned. She moaned and went limp, allowing her weight to pull her down. Her legs slid down the sides of his body and she rubbed herself sensuously against the front of his jeans. Pleasure exploded in her loins and she used it ruthlessly to further her end, as she pretended to try to hoist herself back, and seemingly unable to muster the strength, she kept shimmying up and down where groin met groin.
    Steve couldn’t see a thing as all his senses rushed eagerly to converge in one happy place. Oh man. His eyes literally crossed when Marlena slid in a particular way as she tried to regain her balance. He slid his hand from under her blouse and took a step back so he could fit it under her butt to hoist her back up.
    Steve learned a new maxim that day. Never allow Marlena Maxwell a few inches of freedom. The moment his hand came in contact with her nice, firm behind, she slammed backward—hard—trapping his hand against the wall, and at the same time lifted her knees to her chest. She kicked out and he chose to let her hands go, rather than risk an injury where her feet were too close for comfort. Her pointy little toes certainly weren’t sliding up and down as she had been doing moments before.
    She dropped down on her feet, and one hand shot out to grasp his neck. Steve turned his head slightly and pinched her bottom at the same time. Hard.
    “Ow!” She was so startled by the unconventional fighting tactic she stopped going on the attack. He almost laughed at the reproach in her blue eyes. In fact he did when she complained, in the mildest of voices, “You don’t play nice.”
    The laughter did it. His temper evaporated. And what was left behind—Steve didn’t even know whether he could deal with. He still liked her, damn it.
    He especially liked the way she looked now. Her hair had these cute little waves sticking out in

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