Fever for Three

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Book: Fever for Three by Julia Talbot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Talbot
Tags: Erótica
more and more pleasure.
    Fingers pushed inside her, giving her the pressure and friction she needed, while all the time Paulo’s tongue flicked her clit, making her thighs shake. She was going to fall apart at the seams. It was like those cartoons from way back when, where someone took earthquake pills.
    Sharp teeth teased her nipple, made it ache, burn. Made her breasts feel heavy. She reached out, trying to find someone to hold on to, and her fingers sank into Paulo’s soft, thick hair.
    She felt his moan against her pussy, and his fingers curled, stroking her inside.
    Josh grunted, his body rocking against them. “You feel so good. Both of you.”
    They were both still dressed, cotton and denim rasping against her and it didn’t matter. None of it did. The only thing she cared about was how they made her fly. They kissed her and licked her and bit her, touches that made her skin burn and her muscles clench. Her pussy felt full and yet empty at the same time.
    “Please.” She panted out the words. “Please, inside me.”
    “Fuck, yes. Yes. Our girl. Paulo…” Josh’s voice was nothing but a growl, but Paulo’s fingers pushed deep, filling her up for a second before sliding away.
    Paulo was the one to slip up between her legs, his cock like iron and fire against the inside of her thigh.
    “ Querida . Ours.” Paulo pushed close, but it was Josh’s hand that slipped down, guided the thick head into her.
    Her eyes rolled, the very idea of what they were doing so out of her realm of experience that it seemed illicit. Erotic. All sorts of other words she never associated with herself.
    When Paulo pushed in, it was electric, her nerves firing, everything inside her needing exactly what he was giving her.
    “Should I do him while he does you, baby?” Josh whispered such things in her ear.
    “ Si. Si, querido .” Paulo moaned. “Perfect. She’s perfect inside.”
    “Is she? I can’t wait to try.” Josh laughed, and he kissed her again before slipping away.
    “He has to wait.” Paulo leaned down and kissed her, his lips flavored with her.
    She whined. She didn’t know what else to call the noise that escaped her. Clutching Paulo’s shoulders, she held him while he settled, heavy and hard, on top of and inside her. Her body stretched around him, holding his cock.
    Paulo’s eyes were half-closed, his dark lashes resting on his cheeks. They went wide and dark though, and he tensed above her, and she knew Josh had to be doing something back there.
    “Are you okay?”
    “He’s already had me today. I’m ready for him.”
    Oh God. That was—she’d been so angry, so sad, but now it seemed amazingly beautiful, her two men together.
    She reached up, dragged Paulo down into the kiss she’d wanted to take for days—hard and hungry, wild.
    Paulo gave it to her, his teeth stinging her lower lip. Her arm didn’t even hurt anymore; it felt strong enough to take what she needed. Paulo grunted and then they were moving again, Paulo slamming into her, Josh moaning and driving above him.
    They were good together. All of them. So good. She could hear each sound they made and suddenly she understood what they meant by being able to smell her. She could clearly discern each scent, Paulo deep like the earth, Josh more like lightning in a summer storm.
    Paulo moaned, cock pushing deep, spreading her, and she could feel every inch. He moved in and out and she felt her muscles relax around him, then tighten. She’d worried that he would be too big, but he was perfect.
    “Perfect. Querida .” His lips were hard, hungry on hers, and when she looked up, there was Josh staring at her, eyes bright gold. He looked like her mate. Like their mate. Oh God, yes. She knew what they meant now.
    “That’s right, baby girl. Our mate.” Josh grinned, the expression hungry, feral. It made her want to bite something.
    So she did. She bit Paulo’s shoulder.
    God, listen to that sound . Paulo growled, ass slamming back into Josh, body

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