The Black Lotus (Night Flower)

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Book: The Black Lotus (Night Flower) by Claire Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Warner
Thinking better of it, she rested her hands on her chin. “I’m not talking about myself, but rather that charming hellcat you were talking to.” With a careless hand, she removed the hat and let it fall to the table. He watched it settle against the satiny wood before returning his attention to her blue gaze.
    “ Really and why is that?” A troubling thought flowed through his mind as he regarded the blonde. Emily was no slouch in the brains department and if anyone could figure out his interest, then it would be her.
    “Well not many women would slap a man during their debut, but my interest has been piqued about you.” Justin sighed inwardly and stood up, taking the crop with him.
    “And what, precisely, has captured your interest?”
    “Well,” She turned to follow him, reaching his side with delicate movements. “You spoke with her, turned on the charm and then,” She waved her hands before him, “and then, nothing. No dance, no kiss,” Emily turned away and paced towards the door. “You’re never this inept, I was watching her face, you had her eating out of your hand and then,” She looked back at him and shrugged. “Nothing,” A tiny laugh, amused yet somehow disbelieving, escaped her lips. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you fail before.”
    Justin sighed and pushed himself away from the sideboard. “Well thank you for the boost to my ego. It’s a pleasant observation but hardly accurate. I don’t win all the time you know.”
    Emily smiled a strange catlike grin that spoke volumes. “Nice try darling,” She walked forward and pressed a hand against his chest. He stilled as she moved in again. “You like her,” It wasn’t a question, Justin felt his guts clench at the sure clear knowledge in her gaze.
    “That’s an interesting insight on the strength of one solitary meeting.” He tapped the riding crop against his leg, the slight movement giving him focus and chance to think. Her fingers were splayed against his chest and he stared down at her fine hand, wondering if pulling her in for a kiss would put her off. A long moment of silence passed between them before he finally spoke. “She wasn’t my type,” Stepping back, he watched her hand fall back to her side and he took a breath. “She was too much of an innocent,”
    “That’s never dissuaded you before, ” Sultry, teasing notes laced her words. “You can tell me.”
    “No Emily,” The words snapped across the space and she stared at him, watching the motion of the crop against his thigh with interest. “I have no interest in Melissa De Vire, beyond the realisation that she is desirable, please leave it at that.” He held out the crop and pushed himself away from the sideboard. “N ow unless you have anything else of substance to tell me, I’m going to bed.”
    “Do you want company?” Emily took the crop and retreated back into flirting, sensible enough to know when she was entering dangerous territory.
    “Not tonight,” Justin answered, grateful that Emily had let go of the subject. He wasn’t entirely sure of what had happened with the De Vire girl, and he didn’t want Emily spreading unfounded gossip.
    “Pity,” Emily reached for her hat and placed it on her head. “Well I shall see you at Lord Carson’s.” She reached his side and kissed him lightly on the cheek and his skin prickled pleasurably at the sensation. “Though I do think you are lying.” Her voice whispered, tickling as it drifted across his ear. “Have a pleasant evening darling.” She called as she pushed herself away from him and headed for the door.
    “Good night Emily.” Justin responded, not stopping the irritation from filling his voice. “and try to keep your theories to yourself.”
    “I’ll try darling.” Emily carolled as she headed out through the door and into the hall. Justin could hear her shouting

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