Assassin's Baby (A Bad Boy Romance)
the rifle and let another spray blast out of the barrel. It sprayed through the man’s neck and he was dead on impact. Miles checked the bodies for identification and found nothing. He went to the back of the car and checked for the license plate; but it had been removed. He fumbled quickly through the glove box of the car, but there was no insurance. There were no leads.
    He got back into the truck and drove onward, silently. Alexandra began to wonder secretly what kind of marriage she’d gotten into. She began to wonder if the love at first sight had just been imagined. But as she stared at the hunk of a man in the driver’s side, she knew it wasn’t imaginary. She had fallen head over heels for this man, and she wanted more and more. He was going to fix this; he was going to keep them safe. Whatever happened, she would be okay.
    Because there were many bad men she’d seen in the past day….
    But none of them were as bad as her hubby.
    When they got to the compound it was a good forty five minutes later. Miles had left the scene of the crime quickly and hadn’t spoken about it. There was nothing to say, and nothing to explain. The both of them knew that men were coming after them, and it was just a matter of time before the next ones got there. Miles pulled up the blacktopped road and parked in front of the compound, which was basically a large warehouse. The big garage door was opened and there were fluorescent lights inside.
    Alexandra could make out a pool table and a bar that sat within the compound, and there were men that began to form around the door, all of them wearing leather vests; many of them smoking cigarettes and holding bottles of beer or glasses of dark liquor. They got out of the truck and Miles hugged more than ten burly, dirty, and greasy looking men. They were all dangerous looking, much like Miles; but nowhere near as polished as he could be – nowhere near as rich, or at least they didn’t show their wealth.
    And then it was Alexandra’s turn to be introduced. Miles had her shake a good dozen hands and gave her a dozen names that she soon forgot. Her memory wasn’t the best at that moment with everything going on. It went through one ear and out the other. All she could think of was how crazy this all was… It wasn’t that long ago that she’d been comfortable, if a bit depressed, in her Hollywood shack of an apartment. And now?
    She was the bride of an ex-biker, current assassin, ex-military badass. And he was on the run from men trying to kill him. And he was now introducing her to his old biker gang, who looked even more dangerous than he did.
    Jesus Christ. Is this a movie I’ve somehow managed to find myself trapped inside ?
    And what a movie it was, she thought. As she shook hands and felt hugs from muscular arms, she was welcomed warmly into the compound and given a cold drink. It was a much needed taste of alcohol; the buzz helped her to chill out. She sipped on the sweet drink as she watched her husband play pool with his old comrades. A lot of talk went on and a lot of backs were slapped. Many laughs were had as Alexandra sat there on an old worn-out leather couch, taking it all in.
    She wasn’t the only woman, but she was one of the few that were there. They stayed in the sidelines and seemed pretty rough around the edges. They looked like they’d been around the block. She was finally introduced to them by their boyfriends, and she noticed that they were referred to as “old ladies”, save for one, who Alexandra took to be the one night stand of the night. She was twenty or so, and she struck Alexandra as a stripper. She blew bubbles and sipped vodka and got wild with the boys around the pool table, flashing her tits and acting so trashy that it made Alexandra smile and feel uncomfortable simultaneously.
    She walked to the garage door which was still comfortably open, and looked up at the stars. There wasn’t as much light pollution as there was in Los Angeles, and

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