His to Protect

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Book: His to Protect by Alice Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Cain
Tags: MM Gay romance paranormal
unique about Adrian Alateeka—werewolf
part aside—that made Tyler feel certain he would never meet another man like
    "So you just want to be my sub for a
few weeks?"
    Tyler nodded, sincerely hoping that
werewolves couldn't smell lies. Adrian seemed to be battling some sort of
internal war. He closed his eyes, let out a deep breath, and finally nodded in
    Adrian climbed out of the bed, planted his
feet in a wide stance, crossed his arms over his chest, and stared down at
Tyler in such an intimidating way that he had the sudden childish urge to hide
under the covers. If it wasn't for the fascinating sight of Adrian's cock
growing harder even as he watched, Tyler probably would have done just that.
    "What is your safe word, little sub?"
    Tyler swallowed hard and tried to convince
himself that he hadn't just bitten off more than he could chew, figuratively
speaking of course. Just the thought of taking Adrian's hard cock in his mouth
filled him with aching need. But with the way Adrian was looking at him, he
knew he wouldn't be doing anything that Adrian didn't order him to. Fuck, if he'd
thought his last Dom was strict, how the hell would he describe this guy?
    "My safe word is 'tomato,' S–Sir,"
he said with a slight catch in his voice.
    Adrian smiled and nodded, his sudden
approval warming every part of Tyler.
    "Come here, little sub." Adrian
indicated where with a tilt of his head. Tyler moved quickly, kneeling beside Adrian
the way his former Dom had instructed. He was surprised by the warm hand that
cupped his head and pulled his face against the side of Adrian's thigh. It felt
like a very possessive move and he couldn't help but sigh in contentment. "Tell
me your hard limits, Tyler."
    "Ah…" Did it say something about
him that he couldn't remember any of the hard limits he'd made with his
previous Dom? Strangely, he trusted Adrian far more than the man he'd known for
a long time and had once thought himself in love with.
    Adrian caressed Tyler's face with his
callused fingers for a few moments before starting to talk.
    "My hard limits," Adrian said in a
quiet voice. "No permanent damage, for either of us. No piercing,
tattooing, or deliberate scars. No scat play, or golden showers. I will not
humiliate you, but I won't tolerate bratty behavior either. Deliberately embarrass
me at the club and I will punish you in front of everyone." Adrian
continued to caress him as he let that list sink in. "And I don't share,
ever. If you're looking for a ménage experience you'll need to find a different
    "Yes, Sir," Tyler whispered with
more than a hint of relief. Adrian had covered many of Tyler's hard limits in
that list as well.
    "Would you like to add anything, Tyler?"
    "I don't think so, Sir." He was
shaking nervously so he knew he wasn't thinking very clearly at the moment. He
wanted this man more than he could explain but he was sane enough to realize
his list with his previous Dom was much, much longer. "Oh, condoms,"
he added quickly.
    "Good," Adrian said in a deep,
approving voice. "It's a very strictly enforced rule in the fetish rooms at
Santutegia. Everyone uses a condom no matter how long they've been together."
Adrian caressed Tyler's face again and he got the impression the man was again
fighting that internal war. "However, with me being a werewolf and you
being human there are no diseases we can give each other. If you agree, we can
forgo condoms everywhere except the club."
    Adrian held his breath as he waited for
Tyler's reaction. Fuck, he hadn't meant to make that offer, but all he could
think about was sinking his cock in that gorgeous ass with no barriers between
them and then riding them both to oblivion.
    "I would like that, Sir."
    "Good," Adrian said. He'd trained
a lot of subs over the years, but none had affected him on the same levels as
this beautiful school teacher. Worse still, despite all of his talk on hard
limits, he wanted to mark Tyler, to make a permanent

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