In a Latitude of Temperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 5)

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Book: In a Latitude of Temperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 5) by Ichabod Temperance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ichabod Temperance
friends and I insist on accompanying you into the city of Buenos Aires. Now if you please, after you, my dear Count.”
    “No, Senor MontalKahn. Please allow me to rephrase Count Sezami’s suggestion into a command. We insist, that you stay aboard the ship.”
    Count Onyx’Ula steps before the gangplank as he says this and appears tae bae blocking our exit. Me blood’s starting to pump a little faster as a bit o’ tension has entered the atmousphere, aye. This Spanish gentleman, Senor MontalKahn, is a great big strapping lad, bhaughtte so is this Count Onyx’Ula. The both o’ ’em is a bit too good looking fae mae likin’. All tall dark and handsome with the carved features o’ granite, they both bae. It appears they might be getting ready to knock the attractiveness off each other! I despise most royals onnae general basis, and this Spaniard has a deep streak of nobility innae mae eyes, but a deep bred honour and nobility resides within this formidable man. So too, the Count Onyx’Ula radiates continental aristocracy frae his mahogany features. The pale Count Sezami din’nae look tae bae getting his jewel encrusted hands dirty in the proceedings.
    “If we are not going, then you are not going, my fanged amigo.”
    “If I did not make myself clear before, then please allow me to do so at this time. You are hereby commanded to stay on the ship!”
    Tee, hee! Them’s bae fighting words, aye! MontalKahn’s sure to tan the lights o’ te’ tall dark and handsome, Couont Onyx’Ula, aye!
    ~whirr, bzz,c link~ “Excuse me, please gentlemen!”
    The mechanical man, Cogito, has squeezed in between the two antagonists. Blast that clockwork goodie, goodie! He’s going to ruin a perfect corker of a royal row!
    ~whirr, bzz, clink~ “I am afraid, Count Onyx’Ula, that you have no right to keep my companions and me aboard ship against our will. Under the unusual circumstances of this peculiar trip, we feel as if we have every right to exercise our prerogative in accompanying you ashore.”
    “Get out of my way, tin creature. Do not dare to interfere!”
    ~whirr, buzz, clink~ “I do beg your pardon, Count Onyx’Ula, but you force me to engage you physically.”
    “Don’t you dare touch me! Hey! Put me down, you blasted machine!”
    “I say, well done, Mr. Cogito. Come gentlemen, let us hurry down the gangplank while our clockwork companion holds Count Onyx’Ula aloft, eh hem?”
    “Yes, Ma’am!”
    “Okay, Mr. Cogito, we’re all ashore. You can put the Count down and join us, now.”
    “Tee, hee! I hope we do not appear overly smouog at our little victory.”
    “I shall destroy you all!”
    “Henh! No, Count Onyx’Ula! The Master needs them!”
    “Shut up, WrenneFeyldde! Out of my way!”
    “Ha, ha, please calm yourself, Count Onyx’Ula. I perceive a curiosity in our travelmates that bodes the promise of limited good behaviour, yes?”
    “Quite so, Count Sezami.”
    “Ha, ha! There, you see? One big happy family, ha, ha!”
    “Very well. I shall put the greater importance of the mission, before the instant gratification of honour’s vengeance.”
    “Ha, ha! It seems we shall enjoy your company after all. Ha, ha! Let us be on our way, my friends!”
    “Hey, y’all, check out that steamer taxi over there. I betcha it would be real interestin’ to ride on that...”
    “Shauhtuhp, you little fool! There are eight in our party and we are picking up two more distinguished guests. We shall hire these two coaches right here! Heh,heh, sssssince you insist on accompanying us, then you must join us on a second errand. This has nothing to do with the mission on which you have been summoned and we did not want you to be witness to this location, but under the circumstances that you have forced on us, we have no choice.”
    “Oh, Mr. Cogito, would ye’ mind riding with our bloodthaersty hosts in the front wagon?”
    ~whir, buzz, clink~ “Of course not, Mr. Steele, it will be my pleasure! I have

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