Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)

Free Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1) by S. K. Ervin Page A

Book: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1) by S. K. Ervin Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. K. Ervin
for her sake. He twirled her around again and that was when she saw
    Surrounded by girls lying around him, in his lap, reaching inside his opened shirt, touching parts she felt should only be touched by her.
    And they were feeding him...from their mouths!
    Alexis stopped dancing, fury bouncing off of her like she never felt before.
    "What's wrong?" Mateo questioned and then followed her gaze.
    With a deep sigh, he gently touched her elbow. "Alexis...”
    She heard him, but, ignored him. Noah must've felt her electric eyes, because he suddenly looked up, directly at her and froze. Fiery currents blazed off of her, bouncing off the walls and the room suddenly seemed to quiet down looking on with interest.
    Noah brushed away the apple he’d been nibbling on and stood. As Noah walked their way, she heard Mateo whistle.
    "Someone's not happy." He murmured cheerfully.
    Noah stopped right in front of her, blocking out everyone except Mateo, who stood next to her.
    "What are you doing here?" His voice chillingly soft as he scowled down at her.
    Not allowing him to intimidate her, she scowled back, "Ask your cousin." And she turned to leave. He grabbed her arm, gripping it tight.
    "Let go of me." She hissed back at him, trying to release her arm from his steely grip.
    "Noah." Mateo warned. "Not here."
    "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, ignoring Mateo.
    "Away from you and who knows, maybe I'll accept some Sintini's and bite some damn apples while I'm at it!" She leveled on him a scorching frown that could singe the hairs off a bear.
    Noah inhaled sharply, clearly trying to calm himself and she took advantage and yanked her arm away, flung her long hair over her shoulders as she turned on her heels, headingtoward the bar. She was there no more than a minute when she heard Mateo sit down next to her, chuckling in that sexy way of his.
    "You really should do something about your temper sweetheart. It's sent Noah into a rage." He winked, still laughing.
    "I don't care what he does." She lied, still fuming.
    Mateo grinned, "Yes, it seems that you do." He waved over the bartender and ordered them two shots each.
    Handing one to her, he held his up, "To new friends with fiery tempers!"
    They clinked their glasses and downed the brown liquid.
    It was smooth. Too smooth. The kind that would knock you on your ass without you realizing it.
    Mateo handed her another, "And to the mighty who have fallen."
    Whatever that means
    They clinked and drank.
    Mmm, this one was even better
    Four more shots later, Mateo called a halt, "Ok, love, you've had enough for the night."
    She nodded, the room moving in slow motion.
    "Mateo...?" Her voice slurred.
    "Can I ask you something...personal?" She whispered in a hushed voice, her eyes squinting so she could focus on him.
    Dear Lord there are two of him! She couldn't handle two of him. One was hard enough!
    Shaking her head to clear it, she regretted that movement and groaned as the room began to spin.
    Alexis heard Mateo order her a glass of water and helped her to drink it.
    "Easy love." He murmured soothingly. After she finished the glass, he asked, "Better?"
    She nodded slowly, glad the movement didn't cause her too much trouble.
    "Good. Now what's this question of yours?" He moved to help her to a booth seat all the way in the back.
    She peered at him, "Are you Lucifer? Did you fall from the skies with your beautiful wings cut off?"
    He looked astonished and somewhat amused, "Good Lord, Alexis, what did they put in your drink? Why would you think that?"
    She giggled, tilting her head to look at him, "Because you are sinfully gorgeous, impossible beautiful and an amazingly sensual dancer. It's a sin. Has to be, you know." She said, nodding to prove she was right.
    Mateo burst out laughing, "Well love, thank you for the compliment. But, I assure you I’m human, made from flesh and bone as you are."
    With a dash of sweet sin and a sprinkle of pure sex extract.

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