of those present hoped that by leaving with this expedition they might gain an ounce or more of freedom.
Loud sounds like huge doors opening and the whooshing noise of air being sucked out could be heard. The small cargo bay that was their home was suddenly very windy. The eldest sape of the group bowed his head and began to say forbidden religious prayers. Many of the sapes looked up in surprise as the large cargo door opened and they caught their first and last glimpse of the bright blue planet called Earth.
“Sir, the Quartermaster reports that all excess dross has been ejected and all stores are secure.” The Captain only nodded. One less thing to worry about on this trip. You don’t have to feed them if they are not on board.
The Captain studied his orders carefully. According to the background that was sent, a large organization comprised of sapes and first generation Gen Mods were in control of many of the colonies. His job was to make contact and support the takeover of those colonies first. The others would follow once control was established. He smiled to himself. There would be no lack of workers after they made contact. Gen Mods made excellent loaders.
“Navigation, engage the engines and set course for Mars.” Very slowly the massive ship left Earth orbit and headed toward Mars.
Once the ship was in motion Alpha 364 called a meeting of all of his section commanders. The men and women met in one of the many ready rooms available on the ship. The Captain watched as the room filled with Betas, Deltas, Gammas, Epsilons and one Zeta. These were the cream of the crop, Earth's best. There was only one other Alpha on board and he was needed on the bridge. Alphas were rare and in demand.
“Attention! We have left orbit and are en route to Mars. Beta 465, what does intelligence have to say about Mars?”
“Sir, other than the data package which everyone received prior to boarding the ship, we know very little. The Gen Mod organization know as the Cabal sent only sent scant information of their efforts there. We expect to be contacted soon.”
Alpha 364 bristled at the report. “So you know nothing.”
“Sir, we were told that an organization was in place to assume control of both the Government and the Military. This Cabal organization is supposed to have a tech transfer already prepared. We are just waiting for contact.”
“Epsilon 23 what is our flight status?”
“Sir, all ships are manned and ready for launch at your command.”
Much the rest of the meeting was the same. Questions were asked and answers given. Every commander spoke his piece until it was the Zetas turn. “Zeta 666, what it your status?”
The Zeta line was a mistake, a genetic anomaly. In a room filled with young, athletic looking Commanders, he stuck out like a black mark. Zeta 666 was easily identified by his hunched shoulders and permanently scowled face. He was a functioning psychotic that served as the information gathering specialist. He was the ship's torturer. “My people are ready to begin. Anyone that you provide will be drained of all information.”
“Excellent. We are to be met at the Martian frontier by representatives from the Cabal. Once they have given their status and report, I want them taken below and drained of all information. If there are any sapes, get rid of them. Keep the Gen Mods, we are in need of a few deckhands.”
Chapter 13
“So what you are saying is that, that thing is intelligent?”
Minerva just rolled her eyes at her father’s statement. “No father. What I am saying is that the CATT is an AI.”
“Why does it look like a cat? Why not a drone or one of those RAMs your sister builds?”
Minerva was losing any respect she had for her father every time he opened his mouth. “This robot was created by Athena’s AI Wilson. Its job is to seek out and