New Boss New Year Bride

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Book: New Boss New Year Bride by Lucy Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Clark
that I need to be here to monitor their two children who have cystic fibrosis. What a darn shame I won’tbe able to do the house-calls tomorrow because I’ll be needed here, at the hospital in town.’
    ‘All right.’ Joss sat up straight and squared his shoulders. ‘All right. I’ll do your house-calls tomorrow. But you are definitely going out next week and that’s final. Nothing you can do will make me change my mind. Watkinsons or no Watkinsons.’
    ‘Yes!’ Dex punched the air.
    ‘Get out.’ Joss pointed to the door. ‘Go on. Go gloat elsewhere. I have a lot of work to get done.’
    Joss watched his friend almost dance his way out of the consulting room. When he was gone Joss shook his head, unable to believe the unlucky turn of events. Where he’d thought he’d have time away from Melissa, to control his wayward mind and body, it was now a matter of finding strategies which would see him through tomorrow.
    He rubbed his jaw and exhaled slowly. Melissa was beautiful, funny and smart. Everything he’d ever wanted. Then again, Christina had been beautiful, funny and smart, and she’d ripped his heart out and crushed it. Although he was definitely attracted to Melissa, he’d also do well to be on his guard.
    Women could lie. Women could be devious. Women were the reason he’d hibernated in the Outback for the past four years, keeping his distance from any sort of personal relationship. Yes, the sooner he discovered Melissa Clarkson’s faults and flaws, the sooner he could move past this undeniable pull he felt towards her.
    All that said, he desperately wasn’t looking forward to tomorrow.


    B UB had told Melissa to pack an overnight bag whenever she went out on house-calls.
    ‘It’s just something we do out here in the Outback. You never know when the weather will turn. You could have buckets of rain coming down on you one moment and then bush fires the next. Sometimes you’ve gotta find shelter wherever you can, and other times you just go to the nearest farmhouse.’
    ‘And people just let you stay?’
    ‘Of course.’ Bub had looked at her as though she was mad. ‘We all support each other out here. You’ll see lots of great scenery, maybe even some Aussie animals—we have quite a few emus out here. You’ll meet new people, see how they all live, and be back in time to enjoy a coldie at the pub.’ Bub had frowned as she’d spoken.
    ‘Something wrong?’
    ‘No. Not really. Just that I haven’t seen Josiah down at the pub the past few nights. He’s usually there. Hope he’s not gonna start all that brooding stuff again.’
    ‘He broods?’
    ‘Oh, not for ages. But now and then, when his world is rocked from side to side, he tends to retreat back into his cave.’
    ‘A metaphor, darl. Never mind me. Off you go. Go pack your bag and get ready for tomorrow—and above all, enjoy yourself.’
    Therefore Melissa had packed her overnight bag. In fact she’d packed and repacked it several times during the course of the evening. She’d been unable to sleep last night, so excited to be going out on house-calls with her brother. She would get to spend time with Dex, and even if he hardly spoke to her, just being with him, sitting beside him in the car, would be enough for her. It was happening. What she’d wanted for so long was finally coming true. She couldn’t believe that her luck seemed to be changing.
    With a smile on her face and a spring in her step, she made her way out of her apartment, checking she had the keys which Joss had given her. She closed the door, put her hat on her head and carried her overnight bag to the waiting ute.
    ‘Joss!’ She was surprised to see him up this early. Clinic didn’t start for another two hours, so she’d presumed he’d still be sleeping. Instead, he was walking around checking the ute’s fitted tarpaulin cover was securely in place.
    He held out a hand. ‘Your bag?’
    Melissa handed over her bag. Joss didn’t

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