Clockwork Angels: Comic Script
on his eyes squeezed shut with tears leaking out.
    “I would never let myself be trapped like that.”
    PANEL 4
    Another street scene. Owen walks along, as if in a daze. He is approaching the entrance to Chronos Square. Regulators stand guard. People are filing in, handing over their tickets.
    The carnival will be playing for the Watchmaker. By now they should already be set up.
    Do I dare go? Am I brave enough.
    Francesca …
    PANEL 5
    Small panel, close-up. Owen pulls the porkpie hat down low to hide his features, lowers his head.
    But if the Anarchist tries to destroy it all—I have to stop him.
    PANEL 6
    Small panel. Owen hands over his ticket.
    It really isn’t a choice after all.
    PAGE 20
    PANEL 1
    Big lavish panel. Owen enters Chronos Square, where the carnival has set up, tents, booths, watchgear Ferris wheel. Crowds. Note for the design of the square, across from the Watchmaker’s tower is a big ornate governmental building, the Cathedral of the Timekeepers, across which a long banner has been strung, ALL IS FOR THE BEST (with the honeybee symbol). [This will be featured later, and important because Owen has to climb that building and use the ropes and banner to get away in next issue.] Floating coldfire globes illuminate the show.
    PANEL 2
    In the crowd, dashing Tomio is entertaining people, swishing his rapier as he throws one of his alchemical smoke bombs, which explodes in a puff of green smoke.
    Oh, I miss these people … even though I don’t belong with them anymore.
    PANEL 3
    Louisa the bearded lady is surrounded by laughing children who reach out to yank on her beard, and she is loving the attention. Owen self-consciously turns away, tugging his porkpie hat down.
    Francesca must have told them everything.
    Or maybe she’s forgotten about me already.
    PANEL 4
    Intimidating blue-uniformed Regulators march through the crowd. They look like windup soldiers.
    Citizens, be on the alert! Report any suspicious activity!
    The Anarchist has been seen in the city. Beware!
    Nobody knows for sure what the Anarchist looks like … But I do.
    PAGE 21
    PANEL 1
    A tightrope runs from the top of a high building (not the Cathedral of the Timekeepers) to a tall pole near the center of the square. Francesca is walking along the rope. Here in the background show the banner ALL IS FOR THE BEST
    PANEL 2
    Owen looks up, wistful and pained, at Francesca, but she doesn’t notice him in the crowd.
    PANEL 3
    Owen goes to the edge of the crowd, toward all the carnival wagons and Tomio’s trailer. This isn’t part of the carnival, just where they have set up their camp. It’s quiet and unoccupied because the show is going on.
    The Anarchist will try to cause trouble … I know it.
    PANEL 4
    From behind Tomio’s trailer, Owen sees several kegs wedged under the trailer bed. These are explosives. One of them has the Precipitate symbol.
    Those shouldn’t be there! Tomio would never …
    PANEL 5
    Owen hurries around the corner of the trailer to come upon the Anarchist crouching over the kegs and fiddling with a strange device, the detonator. See Hugh’s illustration on p. 159 of the novel. Owen shouts.
    Stop! I know who you are!
    PAGE 22
    PANEL 1
    Owen raises his hands and shouts, sounding the alarm, while the surprised Anarchist recoils from his suspicious activity.
    Help! Somebody call the Regulators! It’s the Anarchist! THE ANARCHIST!
    PANEL 2
    The Anarchist looks up at him with a vicious grin.
    Now that’s unexpected. Marvelous!
    PANEL 3
    He tosses the detonator to a surprised Owen.
    Catch! Better hurry … before it detonates!
    PANEL 4
    Owen fumbles with the detonator as the Anarchist bolts away, making his

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