Bastial Sentinels (The Rhythm of Rivalry: Book 5)

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Book: Bastial Sentinels (The Rhythm of Rivalry: Book 5) by B.T. Narro Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.T. Narro
left behind. Many people are angry at Fatholl about what’s been happening, so of course they’d shoot at an Elf. But it also could’ve been someone allied with the Takarys who perceives you as an enemy. There’s no way to know. But it’s a good lesson, isn’t it? Wherever you go, you’d better be careful. You should try to hide those ears if you can.” With a grimace, he wagged his finger. “Any of you have a hat?”
    “We don’t,” Reela said in disappointment.
    “Well, I would sell you mine, but I’ve only got one. There still should be a tailor somewhere in the city. Though…could be they’re all in the north by now.”
    “We’ll figure out something.” Reela stood and walked to a nearby window. She peeled back the curtain, revealing that night had come. She turned to meet Cleve’s eyes. Whether it was psyche or just the familiar twist of her mouth, he could tell what she was thinking. He nodded to show he agreed.
    She turned and asked the innkeeper, “May we rent two rooms for a night?”

    Chapter 7:
    Cleve felt despair softening him, making him weak and hopeless. A difficult task he could endure. But what was he to do when there wasn’t a task for him to figure out in the first place? How could he help Jek and the Takarys if he didn’t know where they were? He sat slumped on the bed, desperately trying to figure out what to do.
    Reela came in to their room wrapped in a towel, her hair wet and dark. Cleve’s heart jumped at the sight of her, clean and nearly naked. Her shins seemed to reflect the light of the lamps. Her curves shaped the towel in a way that made Cleve wish for nothing more than to remove it.
    Reela stood in front of the mirror, brushing her hair. Cleve came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning down to smell her hair and kiss her neck. She set the brush down and turned to meet his lips.
    But before they could settle into the kiss, she pulled away. “There’s a lot we need to figure out before the morning,” she said. “Unless you’ve already devised a plan?”
    “I haven’t the faintest idea,” Cleve replied. “But there’s certainly no chance I can think of anything right now.” His gaze roamed her body.
    When his eyes returned to her face, she had a look of regret. “I’m of the opposite mindset. Until we know what we’re doing, I can’t think of anything else. You should take a bath…maybe a cold one.”
    His heart sank as she kissed his cheek and returned to brushing her hair. He trudged off to the bath.
    As Cleve scrubbed the dirt from his body, his worries returned. Reela was right. They had to come up with a plan.
    He started with what he knew. They needed to find out where the Takarys had gone and what they were doing. He also needed to know what Fatholl’s intentions were. An idea formulated as he dried himself.
    Re-entering their room, he saw that Vithos had come in to speak with her. They looked to Cleve expectantly, both with the same almond-shaped eyes.
    “I don’t think Vithos and I can figure out what to do,” Reela said sadly. “We don’t know anything about Goldram or even this city like you do. Have you come up with anything?”
    “I have.” Their desperation was gone in an instant. They looked eager…until he added, “But I don’t think either of you are going to like it.”
    Turning to each other, the siblings wore identical frowns.
    “I have a feeling I know what you’re going to say,” Reela said sullenly. “It was the only idea Vithos and I could come up with, but both of us hate it.” She took in a slow breath. “We need to visit the palace, don’t we?”
    Cleve nodded. “It’s the only way to find out what we need to know. We don’t have any allegiance toward either side, as far as Fatholl knows.”
    “Except you care about the Takarys,” Reela said. “Which means Vithos and I care about them as well. Fatholl or the other psychic Elves might be able to sense

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