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Book: Legacy by Calista Anastasia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calista Anastasia
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal
having a good time. She tried t o relax and just enjoy herself.
    The song came to an end and another one started. This time it was a slow song. Gr eg grinned and opened his arms.
    A warming sensation fl ooded her insides. She stepped c loser and then Greg’s arms were around her. She rested her cheek on his shoulder and tried to sway in time to the music and follow the steps he took. Not so difficult . She was feeling pretty confident and enjoying the sensation of having Greg’s arms around her.
    After that dance, they returned to the table. Felicity and Kelli were drinking punch from plastic cups. Greg offered to bring Mercy a cup of punch and went to stand in line at the punch bowl.
    “Wow! Greg really likes you,” Kelli said.
    “You are so lucky, Mercy.” Felicity said. “I’ll probably never have a boyfriend.”
    “O f course you will,” Mercy said.
    “It looks like you’ve lost Greg,” Kelli announced. "Easy come, easy go."
    Mercy turned to look at the table where the punch bowl and trays of cookies were set up. Greg was talking and laughing with a couple of the other baseball players. Soon they were joined by still more of the team. A cold feeling set tled in the pit of her stomach.
    This is it! This is when I find out he lost a bet and that’s why he asked me to the dance. Her insides felt as though giant hands were wringing it out like a wash cloth. Oh, Greg! How could you be so mean?
    He turned and winked when he saw her watching him and headed back to the table. It looked like the entire b aseball team was following him.
    Maybe they want to hear him tell me I’m just a joke and that a popular boy wouldn’t be caught dead with me? Her gut churne d like a washing machine on spin cycle. She straightened in her seat. Just get it over with .
    Greg handed her a cup of punch and took the seat beside her. “Okay if the guys sit here with us ? ” He indicated the empty seats.
    Mercy looked at Felicity and Kelli . They exchanged a glance and then nodded at her. They appeared to be thrilled that the baseball team was taking over their table. If the girls only knew what’s really going on.
    She sucked in a deep breath and steeled her self for what was to come.
    Greg leaned closer, as though he was going t o whisper something in her ear.
    Good, at least he was going to tell her privately.
    “Wanna dance again?”
    Mercy opened her mouth and then closed it, then opened it again. “Sure, Greg.” Maybe he didn’t lose a bet.
    “Let’s all dance,’ Kelli said. She stood up an d strode to the middle of the dance floor, then turned and crooked her finger at those who remained seated. “C’mon.” She started moving to the music and was quickly join ed by most of the others.
    Mercy danced with Greg, surrounded by her friends. She felt so light she could fly, but then she hadn’t had her broomstick lessons yet.
    They danced several dances and then returned to the table. As she was leaving the dance floor, Mercy locked eyes with Lindy Boyd and her friends. Lindy’s gaze traveled over the peach dress and then deliver ed a scathing sneer before she turned her back. Mercy figured t hat she was supposed to be crushed by that scowl and the dismissive flip of Lindy’s hair , but she felt too good. Much too happy to allow some snobby girls to ruin her evening. Her O rb of E nchantments warmed around her , a lmost like a protective shield.
    “Hey, Lindy,” Greg called and waved.
    Lindy returned his wave a nd flashed a semi-genuine smile.
    Mercy noted with some satisfaction that Lindy was wearing a slut dress in a particularly vile shade of green. It featured a scattering of silver sequins so Lindy had undertaken to wear silver eye shadow almost as bright as her silver charm bracelet . A completely gross choice .
    Mercy and Greg sat back down at the table. She noticed that Kelli was talking to one of the baseball players. When they both laughed, the lights flickered off their matching braces. The other baseball

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