Outside Hell
that had been booming in his mind from
dusk till dawn 7 days a week, was strangely always one step ahead.
Every attempt he’d ever made to stop the voices had always been
futile, leaving the leader of the German army being manipulated
into starting WW2.
    Not to say that he hadn’t got his own plans
for world domination, because he had. Even without the voices he’d
have ordered the war, only he’d have done it in a different way
    The voices that were in his mind were so
strong that he’d been powerless to resist them. They had him by the
balls so to speak. Then four years later and with insanity
threatening to consume him as they’d burrowed deep into his soul,
suddenly they’d ordered him to have a meeting with Joseph
    They’d said don’t worry and go and sign the
Devil’s ALLIANCE with Stalin, and then they’d told him that like
him, they’d also got Stalin under mind control too.
    Instantly Adolf had tried to refuse but the
voices had roared through his mind and then furiously taken control
of his whole body, and with it marched him in front of a mirror.
He’d remembered that as he’d been slammed against the sink, and
then from within, savagely bent backwards so that he’d looked
directly into the damn thing, at that moment he’d had his first
glimpse of the man who’s voices were inside his head.
    The man’s name was Raffious.
    As he’d stood there looking back at him,
Raffious was an old man of about 5 feet tall with a long beard that
was so long he couldn’t see the end of it, as it’d vanished beneath
the mirrors frame. He’d been dressed in white robes something like
what a holy man would have worn, and had a withered face with heaps
of wrinkles underneath his eyes, giving the distinct impression
that he’d deep troubles in his mind. Anyway as he’d been forced to
stare into this old creepy fuckers face, the old boy shape shifted
and then changed into another being entirely. The man was now much
taller; probably over six feet tall, and he’d dark wavy hair that
was framing his soft features. His eyes were blue and angelic in
appearance, hardly matching that of his true evil nature in the
    Then as Adolph had been consumed with even
deeper shock than the shock that was already flowing through him
from seeing someone in the mirror, suddenly there’d been a loud
knocking coming from behind him. It was coming from his mission
control room door of the chateaux that he’d taken over after
killing the previous owners. The knocking had been his personal
guards who were asking if he was all right. They’d apologized with
muffled voices from behind the timber, but explained that they’d
heard voices and were freaking out thinking that somehow an
intruder had got in. At that point the old boy Raffious had
realized that he’d no choice but to jump out of Adolf’s mind and
let him go. In response Raffious cursed inwardly at the intrusion
and then gritted his teeth, as he’d stared into Adolph’s eyes and
then said to him, “Stop thinking about escape, and fucking sign the
Devil’s Alliance with Joseph Stalin or else.”
    A moment had passed of Adolph’s face being
jammed up to the mirror so close that his own eyeballs were inches
away from the shiny surface. Then as he’d begun to count the veins
in the old boys whites of his eyes, he’d been saved because the
handle of the door behind him had started to turn. Fearing that as
the door had opened, whoever was on the other side would think that
Adolf was possessed, and this might have a profound effect on his
being the German leader so ruining the old boys plans, Raffious had
no choice but to release him from his hold over him, and then
vanished from the mirror too.
    As he’d released him, the shock of having his
brain back and then also feeling his bodies senses sending the
electrical impulses up into it again, had made Adolph stumble
forwards and left him in a mini panic attack

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