Murder at Granite Falls

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Book: Murder at Granite Falls by Roxanne Rustand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Rustand
Tags: Love Inspired Suspense
over, slipping out of her jacket and draping it over one shoulder as she crossed the parking area. “Beautiful day for a float,” she said, eyeing the elderly group of passengers in Tina’s raft. “Are you going out, as well?”
    “Later. About the raft guiding…” He cleared his throat. “Ichecked with our insurance agent. Do you have the certificates for Swift Water Rescue and Wilderness First Responder?”
    “That must be something new. I haven’t guided since I was in college.”
    “So you probably just had First Aid and CPR.”
    She nodded. “And the usual river training, plus four summers of experience.”
    “Unfortunately, our insurance rates are sky-high as it is, and we’re required to supply proof of certification for every guide or they’ll double the cost of our policy.”
    Her face fell. “How soon can I be certified?”
    “The First Responder class takes eight days, and the Level I and II Water Rescue classes add up to over four. Not that much—but they’re only taught a couple times a year in this area.”
    “Is it hard to get in?”
    “I did some calling. The tuition is pricey for all three, but the June classes start on Monday. During the first four days you’d be doing both classes every day, to get the Water Rescue classes done while you’re taking the First Responder series. You could be done by the end of next week, if you were really serious about this. But this is awfully short notice.”
    “It starts tomorrow? ”
    “Right. And they do have several slots available, so you could still get in.”
    She cast a wistful look toward the river. “The summers I spent guiding were some of the best in my life. Being out on the river every day, facing the challenges…and I covered a lot of my college tuition with the tips I made, too.”
    “I can’t guarantee a set number of scheduled trips, though.”
    “Still, it would be a good job for a teacher, since I have my summers off.” She considered for a moment. “Would the class times conflict with my morning teaching schedule?”

    “They start at one o’clock and end at dusk, so it would work, though it would be a mighty long day.” He shrugged, sure that she’d decide against it. Hoping that would be her response.
    She bit her lower lip, considering. “I’ll do it. It was really sweet of you to check this all out for me.”
    Sweet? He’d expected her to shy away from such a heavy commitment. He’d hoped that she would, because he’d felt an attraction to her since the first day she arrived, and he’d resolved to keep careful distance to avoid any complications. But now, she was looking up at him with a soft smile, and he felt like a complete heel for not encouraging her to do something he knew would make her happy.
    “I…well… If you want to go out on the river, you can always come along with the groups if there’s an empty place.” He cleared his throat. “Though I don’t expect you’ll have much time during the next couple of weeks. Sometimes Penny or I go out alone in a small raft or take the kayaks, and you’d be welcome to come along then, if you want. Or you can go alone. No charge. I guess you’ll need to start learning this river.”
    Her smile brightened and lit up her hazel eyes. “That would be wonderful. I suppose you can guess that my summer teaching salary doesn’t stretch very far.”
    “About that…Penny and I talked it over. I’m not sure how many raft trips we can promise you this summer because business has been slow. Her offer still stands if you’d like some hours manning the office. She pointed out that having someone here at the office would make everything a lot easier.”
    “And what about you?”
    Her gleaming hair shifted as she tipped her head, studying him. How had he missed the sprinkle of freckles over her nose? Or the way the corners of her mouth tilted up, ever so slightly, even when she wasn’t smiling?
    He blinked, trying to remember what she’d just said.

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