treated this way. Anyway, I’m sorry to bother you. Please help Wolf. And, well, goodbye, sir.
And then Matthew Molloy did something quite strange. He knuckled his forehead. Geoffrey paused the vid image at that point. Why is he doing that? And then Geoffrey remembered Dean telling him how knuckling the forehead used to be a sign of respect expected from the lower class after addressing someone of a higher class. Dean had done that when they first met at the Northeast Reeducation Camp. Gideon Weller had imposed this on the young men in his camp to instill in them their new place in society. Geoffrey’s tears begin to flow freely as he whispers, “Dean, Dean.” After a time, Geoffrey brings himself under control. Looking up at Matthew Molloy’s image, he decides to respond. “Open reply link.” He pauses briefly to collect his thoughts. “Matthew, yes, I remember you. I will look into Wolf Gaidosch’s case.” He takes a moment to study the young man’s face one last time. “Send reply.”
With the messages taken care of, Roger assumes his father will head to his room. This is his usual routine, so Roger moves to the center of the hall to greet him, but tonight, something different happens. Maybe it was watching Matthew Molloy knuckle his forehead, coupled with the reminder of Dean with Destiny Stuttgart’s message, that solicits Geoffrey’s inner longing for his lost lover. Roger turns to stone when he hears Geoffrey mutter, “Voc mate. Full flesh sensitivity.” Voc mates are the latest fad inHadrian. You can design a holographic partner who will interact with you sexually. With full flesh sensitivity, it can feel like having sex with a thick bowl of jelly. Kids at school had been talking about using these and how bizarre and fun they could be. As one friend put it, “It takes masturbation to a whole new level!” The last thing in Hadrian Roger ever expected to learn was that his father had created his own voc mate. Leaning forward just enough, Roger sees that his father’s voc mate is Papa Dean. Then his father chooses a position. “Hands and knees.” Suddenly, Roger feels like a voyeur. The last thing he wants to do is listen in on his father’s—masturbation. He quickly turns around and scuttles back to his room without ever letting his father know he has awoken.
Fired Detritus Fisherman Claims Discrimination!
HNN—Melissa Eagleton Reporting
Early last week, one of HNF’s detritus fishermen was fired for having attempted to smuggle in a boatful of refugees. He claimed these men were homosexuals who feared returning to their home country. The manager, Malco Neumann, responsible for terminating Wolfgang Gaidosch’s employment, claims otherwise. These men, he says, were in fact heterosexual terrorists looking to find a way to infiltrate our border. This is a—far more believable story than that of a—of a strai trying to save the lives of gay men. Wolfgang Gaidosch claims that Malco Neumann is using the refugees as subterfuge, an excuse justifying dismissal. According to Gaidosch, Neumann concocted this lie to hide the real reason for his dismissal: discrimination. Look to my right and watch our screen as Gaidosch lashes out with unfounded allegation against his former boss. “Malco knows that Geoffrey Hunter, the CEO of Hadrian National Fisheries, is strai-friendly, so Malco doesn’t want him to know the real reason for firing me. He called me a *BEEP* strai and then fired me.”
At the center of this heated debate is Geoffrey Hunter, former CEO of Hunter Fisheries, who is now CEO of Hadrian National Fisheries. Geoffrey Hunter has taken sides with the detritus fisherman. His comments, too, were recorded: “The real reason for Wolfgang Gaidosch’s termination is Wolfgang’s sexual orientation. He is openly straight. As soon as Wolfgang told me his story, I knew he was telling the truth; I could see it in his eyes.” Using his position as CEO of HNF, Geoffrey Hunter has not
Shannon Sorrels, Joel Horn, Kevin Lepp