Neptune's Massif
to you T'gan M'orel, Matriarch and High Priestess to the Benesian People," Luke finished.
    Ian bowed his head to her. "It is an honor beyond measure to meet you in person, Matriarch," Ian said by way of greeting.
    "The honor is mine, Admiral. Thank you for your actions in the Rataac sector." She paused. "Admiral, I told my council I needed to come and meet the people that saved our transport so I may thank them in person. However, in addition to that, I have come to speak to you about a more private matter," T'gan said, quietly.
    The admission took Ian by complete surprise. Why would the leader of the Benesian people need to speak to him privately? "Uh, of course, Matriarch. I’ll make sure to arrange a meeting between you and the team that destroyed the light cruiser in Rataac. As for the other, we can speak right after this reception is over if you wish?"
    T'gan smiled at him. "Thank you, Admiral, but there is no rush. This has been an issue for almost fifteen years already, I doubt it will become critical in the next few hours." She glanced at the patiently waiting Luke. "I am unclear on one thing; do I address you as Councilor, or as Governor?"
    Luke shrugged. "Either will do, Matriarch. However most people refer to me as Councilor."
    "Before the others disembark, can you tell me why your Councilor Gabriel seemed so awe struck at meeting me? I did not get the feeling it was because of my appearance," T'gan asked.
    "Councilor Gabriel is a man of very strong faith. However, he has come to learn a new respect for other belief systems and has expressed a strong curiosity about other, non-terrestrial religions. To him, you represent a level of devotion he believed he would never have the opportunity to meet," Luke replied. "Of course it may be something else entirely, but that is what I think has him so awe-struck."
    T'gan nodded. "I think I understand; it would be like a common Catholic unexpectedly meeting the Pope."
    "Exactly like that, yes," Luke replied, briefly he wondered how she knew about Catholicism and the Pope.
    "I will tell the rest that they may disembark now. I would have had them come with me, but protocol will not allow it. Admiral, if you will excuse me, I would introduce the dignitaries," T'gan replied.
    "Matriarch, why do I get the feeling that you thwart every protocol you possibly can?" Luke replied, grinning.
    Without missing a beat, T'gan looked at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "Because you are very perceptive for a male, Councilor."
    As soon as T'gan and Luke walked away, Ian turned to Star. "Please have the D amocles team dispatched with all haste to the Star Port for guard detail. I'll brief them on site."
    "Alert issued. Four members of the team are already on planet for a three day pass. Officer Lissa is with the ship at Phoenix Base. Major Swift will be on her way to the landing bay shortly." Star replied. "The four members on planet will report to you, here, as soon as they can return to their hotel and gear up."
    Ian nodded. "No need for a full suit. This is a VIP Guard mission with a low threat assessment. Personal shields and side arms should suffice until Cindy can get here to evaluate the situation."
    "Orders replayed," Star replied.
    Ian chuckled softly. "She looked like an elf from one of Tolkien's stories. They all do, really."
    Star studied the visitors critically. "Indeed they do. Perhaps Mr. Tolkien crossed paths with one on Earth. Records show that the Benesian people have been visiting your home world for many centuries as observers. At one time, there was even a rather large Benesian colony on planet."
    "Really? How long ago was that?" Ian asked, surprised.
    "It was present on the planet when I arrived to be stranded on the moon. At that time, the Benesian and Talosian people had not yet met and I had no information on them. In fact, I did not even recognize the colony for what it was until it was destroyed. I could not assist the survivors, but

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