The House of Grey- Volume 6

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Book: The House of Grey- Volume 6 by Collin Earl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Collin Earl
her throat was the tip of a Magi Blade, its hilt resting firmly in Damion’s grip.

    Chapter 60 – Breath of the Dragon
    Monson took a few steps forward into the room, the flickering glint of the Magi Blade providing him enough light to recognize the River’s Serenity. This gave him a slight amount of comfort. At least Damion was not using the Breath of the Dragon or one of the other blades Monson was not familiar with; then he would be really screwed.
    Monson took a deep, steadying breath, willing his voice to stay even. “So you’re the twist? You’re the surprise ending?”
    Damion smiled, his expression malicious. “Every good story needs an anti-hero. I guess that’s my role.”
    He adjusted the blade, leveling it uncomfortably close to Cyann. Monson’s eyes narrowed. “So if you’re the anti-hero, then who am I?”
    “Who are you? You’re the problem.”
    Damion and Monson glared at one another, allowing the fireworks to fly within the fury of their fervent gazes. Monson again attempted to calm himself before he spoke.
    “Damion, let Cyann go. She has nothing to do with this.”
    Damion laughed. “You really are a moron, Monson.”
    He shoved the blade into the cement floor, giving no indication that the floor was any more solid than jelly. Damion grabbed Cyann, pulling her up with unnatural ease, and held her unblemished face to Monson.
    “What do you know about Cyann, O Being of Seven Bloods ?” said Damion with derision. “She has nothing to do with this? She has EVERYTHING to do with this, and if it weren’t for you, if you hadn’t shown up, I could have protected her. I could have explained to her what was happening and why. But no, you had to come and ruin it, ruin everything…it had to be now , of course. You couldn’t have waited one more generation.”
    “Ruined everything? Ruined what, your crazy plan? And what’s this crap about you protecting Cyann? You could have protected her? Protected her like you’re doing now, by pointing a blade at her throat? You aren’t protecting anyone but—”
    Monson lunged forward like a popped cork. Damion was caught totally unawares and Monson wasted no time, aiming a clean kick to his gut. A saturated silver light pulsed, paralleling the strike and sending Damion flying through the door into the locker room, literally bending him in half midflight. As Damion’s figure absorbed the full extent of Monson’s blow , his momentum pulled Cyann’s body a few feet into the air as his grip on her slipped. Monson quickly scrambled, reversed his momentum, and was miraculously able to catch her near-weightless body on her descent. He held her close, cradling her like a baby. Checking that Damion was still prone, he quickly moved to the far side of the room and gently laid Cyann down on a nearby desk. He touched her tenderly on the face.
    “Cyann,” he whispered. “Wake up. You have to get up.”
    Nothing. She gave no response. Monson swore. “I’ll come back for you, I promise, but I have to take care of him first.”
    Monson stepped away from the desk and walked back towards Damion, his footsteps the only indication of life in the room. Monson gripped the blue Magi Blade, ripping it from the ground with little more than a jerk and readying himself as Damion picked himself up off the ground, swearing.
    “That was awfully dirty, Monson; a surprise attack?”
    Monson reversed his grip on the blade. “You made the mistake of thinking I was going to play fair. This isn’t a book, Damion. You don’t get the chance to monologue. I don’t care what your reasons are for betraying Cyann—”
    “I didn’t betray her!” Damion screamed as he scrambled to his feet. “I was trying to protect her! I was trying to protect everyone from—”
“Again with the protection! How can you call that protection?” shouted Monson, pointing at Cyann, still unconscious and tied up. “Baroty was trying to get his hands on her and Kylie. Just last night I saw

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