Deadies: Run for Your Life

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Book: Deadies: Run for Your Life by Krystell Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystell Lake
Tags: Zombies
gun magazine. I stood up to greet him.
    “ Good morning.” I said.
    “ Is it?” He was curt. What happened to put him in a mood?
    “ We’re still alive, so I would say it is.”
    “ Whatever.” Nick blow pass me and started rummaging through his duffel bag. “I had a thermos in here. Where did it go?” He barked, German shepherd like.
    “ It’s in the kitchen.” I was clueless. “What is your problem?” I boldly asked regardless of the answer. Nick turned to me and paced back and forth three times. I counted. He stopped in front of me.
    “ I know who you are, Franjessca Bordeaux!” Nick threw my cover of The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition at me. It hit my shoulder and landed on the hardwood floor.
    It took me a minute to catch up. “That’s who I was.” I frowned. I wished I could go back to the day that cover was shot in Brazil. I hated the reminder of my old life.
    “ You were famous. Why didn’t you say anything?”
    “ Why would I?”
    “ Maybe so I don’t look like a fuckin’ idiot. You told me you were in advertisement. There’s a pile of Victoria Secret catalogs in the garage and you’re all through the pages. Everybody in the house knows who you are. I don’t know you. Who the hell are you?”
    “ We had sex you asshole, now you don’t know me.” My feelings were hurt. Why should I tell anyone I’m a swimsuit model? Who the hell says hello I’m a Victoria Secret’s Angel.
    “ That’s not what I meant.” He turned to walk away from me.
    I grabbed his arm and he stopped and looked me in my eyes. “Nick, I don’t know you either. Nobody knows anyone, we all our survivors of this thing. What we did before the world went to hell is the past.”
    “ I know you’re right but I’m sharing a room and a bed with a supermodel. Everybody around here figured it out but me.” His eyes darted around the room. He paced back a forth a total of three more times. “That’s why you’re so tall and your body is flawless and perfect.”
    “ My body is not perfect.” I had seen other models with much better bodies than me. Most of them were Brazilian. “I didn’t volunteer any information. “Whatever you want to know, ask me and I will tell you.”
    “ So what is this, us? If you’re trying to use me for something I don’t have anything.”
    “ What?” I wasn’t really sure what he meant. Nothing in this new dreadful world held any value.
    “ Like I said, I don’t have anything. All these guys to choose from and you pick me over the handsome doctor. If you want protection you should’ve cozied up to Joe.”
    “ I wasn’t trying to pick or cozy up to anybody. I’m with you because I like you. If you don’t want to be with me you could just say that and stop trying to make up lame ass reasons to dump me.”
    “ Dump you?” He chuckled. “So what is this? We’re fighting like we’re in a relationship. I’ve only known you for three weeks.”
    “ Three weeks in this world is like two years.”
    “ Well three years is longer than any relationship I ever had so we might as well shoot for four.” Nick raised an eyebrow.
    “ Yeah, might as well.” I shrugged and held in my smile. I didn’t know what had just happened between us but I didn’t want it to happen again so I just planned on being cool. In this three weeks I had developed real feelings for Nick. They were deeper than I cared to admit. We shared more than I had ever shared with any man. I needed him. I respected him. I was attracted to him. I trusted him with my life.
    He smiled at me, like this tiny argument was already wiped from his memory. “You want some water?” I remembered the first bottle of water we shared in the Camaro.
    “ Yeah, hey Nick, don’t ever threw anything at me ever again.” I said it with conviction. Nick’s face fell glum. His eyes scorched my heart. I had hurt him. That was not my intention by I could never stand for any form of abuse.
    “ I’m sorry.” He cautiously walked

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