Dangerous Secrets

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Book: Dangerous Secrets by Katie Reus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Reus
    “Too long.” The words came out hoarse and uneven.
    “Is that right?” She raked a teasing hand down his chest.
    In response, his jaw twitched. Smiling, she reached under the sheet and grasped his cock. His neck muscles corded, and his entire body seemed to tense under her light touch.
    “You’re a machine.”
    “I don’t hear you complaining,” he said before his mouth hungrily captured hers. Their tongues danced and clashed with surprising need. She couldn’t ever remember feeling this intense physical pull toward anyone. Sex had always been just that. Sex. Something she enjoyed but could live without. Now a raw, primal hunger burned in her belly as Adam caressed her body.
    When his head dipped to one of her breasts, she kicked the sheet off so she could see what he was doing to her. He took his time, circling her areola until it puckered into a tight bud. From this angle she had a perfect view of one of the tattoos on his back. It was a skull with two rifles crossing behind it. She wasn’t sure, but if the USMC tattoo on his arm was any indication, she guessed that one was a Marine Corps tattoo, as well. Normally she didn’t like tattoos but on him, they were incredibly sexy. She wanted to run her fingers and mouth all over them.
    Sunlight streamed into the room through the blinds, illuminating the bed in small ribbons of light. She hissed when he sucked hard on one of her nipples, taking it fully into his mouth.
    Her breasts were fairly small, something she’d always been self-conscious about before. Not now. Adam made her feel special, treasured almost. When he stared at her naked body he practically worshipped her with his eyes.
    Reaching between them, she fisted her hand around his hard length and squeezed. He moaned, and the small sound reverberated against her sensitive breast. She loved what he was doing to her, but she suddenly needed to taste him.
    “Adam,” she murmured and pushed at his shoulder with her other hand.
    He lifted his head after a few seconds.
    “Get on your back.” Her words were a subtle order.
    He paused, as if taking orders was a foreign thing. Which it probably was. Everything about Adam was dominant. He was definitely all man. But this morning, he was going to do what she said.
    When she had him underneath her, she straddled his waist and rubbed the folds of her sex over his length, but didn’t let him penetrate her. He didn’t have a condom on yet anyway and she planned to tease him. She was so wet it was almost embarrassing.
    She traced her fingers down his chest and abdomen, savoring the feel of his taut skin. His muscles tightened underneath her fingers.
    “Are you trying to kill me?” he muttered.
    Grinning, she shimmied down until she was kneeling between his legs. She ran her hands up his muscular thighs and dug her fingers into his skin. Not hard but she wanted to feel him strain against her. Undeniable energy hummed through him.
    His cock bobbed in front of her, begging to be kissed. When she leaned over it, his hips jerked. Grinning, she met his gaze while she fisted the base of his cock. The length was impressive, but it was his width that had her feeling sore and stretched this morning.
    Last night had been everything she’d fantasized about and more. He would be leaving soon and she wanted to get her fill of him.
    Adam watched as Izzy grasped the base of his cock. He nearly came undone as her slim fingers wrapped around him and squeezed. When she bent to take him in her mouth, her dark hair fell around his waist, creating a curtain.
    Her perfect pink tongue tentatively licked the head of his cock, circling the mushroom cap in teasing strokes. Normally he didn’t like to give up control in the bedroom but for Izzy and for this, he had no problem letting her take the reins.
    In a surprising move, she leaned down farther and sucked him all the way in her mouth. There was no way she could completely take his length, but she was damn close. As she

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